You know it's one of THOSE days, when
- You don't know wether you should go to the movies with your friends, because you've got a presentation tomorrow, after which you'll be going home for three days and still haven't packed anything
- Then, after spending almost the whole day (with breaks for classes, of course) in the library, decide you should go, relax and have a good time, especially because you know you probably won't have the chance to hang around with your friends so easily after you've moved
- Hurry to get your bus to the station, and miss the right bus stop because it's full of ignorant students who didn't let you out the door although you nicely asked them to
- Miraculously catch your train nonetheless, only to be told that "the train will leave with a delay of approximately 5 to 10 minutes because of train overtakings"
- Notice that your mobile is on low battery although you had planned to do some important calls while in the train
- Not one, but two people decide to sit opposite resp. next to you who BOTH appear to have a really bad cold, after you've prayed for days that you wouldn't get sick because it's presentation time and catching a cold seems like the worst idea right now
- the train suddenly stops between stations "and can continue to move only very slowly because of track damage, the Deutsche Bahn honestly begs your pardon"
- After a one hour train drive snuck into the movies by just the right time, only to find out that despite the glorious actors (and they were really good!) 'The Golden Compass' failed pretty much all your expectations and, although it had its good moments, in the end was worth not more than a very good laugh with my friends
- Then wait in the cold for the (of course delayed) last train towards home, only to hear a strange noise while the train is entering the station, take a look under it and notice that a BICYCLE had somehow found its way under the front wheels and it's already smelling suspiciously smokey
- Take your place, and then get told that the train "will leave in an unknown period of time, because we have to wait for the repair team to arrive at the station"
- Want to call your best friend to at least whine a bit about the whole situation, only to notice that your mobile's gone off for good by now
- And suddenly think of the last bus that will be long gone by the time you arrive.
At least my friend's boyfriend was a real darling to get out of bed, pick everybody up and drive us all home, including me, who's living more than one hour away after all. <3 Now I'm just looking forward to my warm and cozy bed where no possible harm is waiting. Yee-hah.