(no subject)

Jan 12, 2010 02:38

A very belated happy new year to you all! I hope you guys spent nice holidays with your family and friends. :) For my part, I simply enjoyed dinners with my family and my boyfriend. I also worked almost full-time, but I am now down to having almost no hours. *blinks* I miss the days when I was required to work a minimum of 17 hours. I was guaranteed to have a paycheck at least. So, I am back to looking for a job, but it is less urgent now as I still, theoretically, have a job.

That said, I had an interview this afternoon at Forever21. It was a group interview, and let me tell you, the people there were... pretty special. I won't go into details as to how each of them were, but I didn't have a good feeling about most of them (as in, I don't think I can get along with them). It's wrong to judge based on small introductions, but first impressions do matter, and I have a hard time picturing myself working with any of them, unfortunately. Anyway, they had only 6 positions available (we were about 15 being interviewed) and considering I was probably the most boring out of all of them, I think I'll be at my current job for a while LOL.

In other news, yours truly has officially started school again yay!! \o/ Only completed one week so far, so who knows how I'll feel in a few weeks from now. But the feeling of saying 'I have class' is a good one, strangely enough. I made sure to not have any classes too early in the morning so I don't get frustrated too quick. So far, so good!

It's crazy how picky I've become with my purchases, especially clothes and accessories. While I used to buy LOTS and LOTS of pieces, these days I seem to only buy maybe 3-4 items per month? Ideally, I'd buy more, but tight tight budget doesn't allow me to do so. I just visit online shops every day and save items, admire them, and convince myself they are not worth it. It's hard. Really hard. Right now I'm back on a lingerie kick. ASOS is really good at making me want to spend over $30 on a bra (which doesn't happen, usually).

Some sets I want currently...


I did offer myself some gifts over the holidays however, even though I could afford them only thanks to gift money haha.

Suede over-the-knee boots from Zara
I loved these ever since I first laid my eyes on them. Now, I sort of wished they were leather, but I think the suede allows me to wear them and not feel too... hooker-ish. Anyway, since it's sale season for Zara right now (or... any other store, really), I copped these for 50% off the original price. Woot!

Faux leather buckle boots from Zara
What is this--flat shoes?! Yup, I can feel my feet thanking me. I still dislike my body proportions and would prefer wearing high heels all the time, but the reality remains that they are painful and uncomfortable after long hours. These will help me soothe my feet from time to time.
I also bought some jeans from my workplace, and they're honestly the best jeans I ever owned. But I'll have another entry on those soon enough...

haves & wants, work, fashion, school

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