(no subject)

Dec 06, 2008 21:58

Some cupcakes I made a while ago... The decoration is screwed, it was my first time applying frosting with tips, so it's all wonky. They still tasted good. <3

Blogging-wise, I've been very bad. Lately I had been very busy with my part-time job which suddenly almost seemed like a full-time job, given that I was working every weekday, although I had somewhat short shifts. I made a big mistake however, so big that my contract was eventually terminated and I currently find myself jobless, right before the Christmas period.

With almost no savings (very bad, Christine, very bad), and only a few paychecks coming in as well as my 4%, I don't have much money left. I'll be able to buy Christmas gifts (but not be too extravagant about them) as well as feed myself (good thing I'm not living by myself), but it just goes to show how I am irresponsible with my money sometimes. I relied too much on the stability of my job and now that I don't have it anymore, I'm pretty much in trouble.

In any case, I don't plan on staying jobless for too long. I gained good experience from this last one and half year, and if I do the interviews well I should be alright. I have a few places I'd like to apply, so wish me luck people! This will be in a few weeks however... I have been working a lot lately and barely had any time for myself. I slept maybe 5-6 hours a night at most so now that I have some free time I will be catching up on my sleep, and doing things I wasn't able to do. Meanwhile, I'd still like to try to make as much money as possible. What better way than to SELL STUFF. I'm considering opening a shop here on LiveJournal, or selling on eBay, because my current place of business is not really working... Either my prices are too high, my items too undesireable, or my target market is just not present there, but I haven't been selling anything for two months! That, or potential buyers have been backing out on me. Grr.
So I don't know how many manga fans and readers there are in my friends list (it's pretty obvious my interests shifted a lot along the years... x.x), but I am looking for manga recommendations. These last few years, all I've been reading are Yazawa Ai's works, and I finished pretty much everything that was translated into French. That includes Tenshi Nanka ja Nai, Gokinjo Monogatari, Paradise Kiss, and of course, the ongoing Nana (the 19th volume of which I am getting tomorrow!! WEEE!!).

I pretty much like stuff like shoujo, but for an older audience. I forgot the correct term for that. Or anything that discusses fashion would be good as well. I tried to Google fashion manga and I didn't have much results. x.x Anyone?

I'll leave you all with a few pictures of recent purchases and outfits.

I did recently do a Zipia order, but considering I bought mostly random accessories, posting pictures of them would be irrelevant. Apart from that, I didn't buy much lately.

John Peel purse in black, from Matt & Nat
I only have two or three handbags, can you believe that? Anyway I went to the M&N sample sale two weeks ago and got this. It looks better when actually worn (worn? carried?).

Thaly coat in black, from Soïa & Kyo
I seem to be having a thing for Montreal brands lately? Hey why not support the local designers, eh! Anyway right before I lost my job *coughs* I bought this coat which frankly cost me way much more than I'd usually spend on a coat (I'm usually very cheap and don't spend more than $100 on any single item) but this is really warm AND stylish, so whyyy not. Quebec winters are HARSH, and I'm planning on keeping this coat for at least two winters!

And some random outfits... Those that regularly check the What I Wore Today thread on Soompi may have seen these already.

The one with the Minnie Mouse ears was for Halloween at work haha. Whipped it up the same morning and still ended up winning Best Costume in my office... People just don't come disguised!!

Trying very badly to look less monochrome, but sometimes I end up looking like Santa Claus, like in the last outfit.

I even have a similar belt! @_@

personal style, haves & wants, nana, work, photos, food

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