May 17, 2006 16:14
Ugh....I'm so tired of sitting at home alone. I'm not having a really bad time, but it gets boring when you can't leave your house....
It's been nearly a week since i left school...I hope the rest of the summer doesn't drag on like this. I've been meaning to get a job, but I'm not allowed to drive and no one will take me into town to get applications....I need to sign up for my class too.
It doesn't help that all of my friends appear to have dropped off the face of the earth. I miss you guys. I haven't really gotten to talk to anyone since I got here...I wish you'd answer your phones and email once in a while....
Other than that, everything's been pretty good. I've been picking up my old hobbies again...watching alot of Star Trek...I forgot how much I liked that show. :D
I hope I get that job soon.