Ah~! another friday.. and the week that ive been dreading long agoo ish nearly here...! ahh!! week 5.. omigawd half yearlys ah i hate tests... got 3 exams and 3 assignments due nxt week oh gawdddd.... mehhh anyways nawt much happeningg but jst skewl.. cant realli b bothered to write in here anymore *Sighz*..
wellz there woz wednesday beach excursion when we went for surfing lessons which woz reallii kewl.. bar har har except the walk we had to do from bondi to bronti beach woz jst pointless and tiring ergh ...
umm.. cant realli tink of anything to writeee mehh.. better go and study and finish off moi friggin assignments..
gotta bouncee *bounces*