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Sep 18, 2008 06:09

konnichiwa minna san~

hehe..so last time i was caught by the color-fever for wallies
and apparently, i was caught by another fever
sore wa...Scenery Fever desu~

^^ this fever juz came to me the moment i saw the "sora" scenery..
kirei naa ..ano sora wa..
n then i look at kame's pic..hehe..the mood is kinda.. (haha..ok you fill in the blank by yourself  XP)

so here's the preview:

sa minna..these are all the scenerey-KAT-TUN-wallies that i ve made
i made 2 for every member..ouh..but only kame got 3 ^^p
hoho..don't blame me for that..it's just my hobby to play with background

alright now..i'll start with the K-A-T-T-U-N sequence

kamenashi kazuya
NOTE: the first wallies was my first scenery-wallies done.Kame ne, Kami-sama mitai ne. ^^o . #2 and #3 is the same, but diff BG, well it's becuz he's so cute that he fits-in in both of the scenery <33


                           #1                                                                                     #2


Akanishi Jin
NOTE: i juz can't leave this guy behind. #4 is the second Scenery-wallies i ve made. it's just a habit to make his after kame or to make kame's after his. i don't think i'll make something only for either one of them..hitori dake??dame desu yo..muri desu!! hoho..futari wa?? mochiron!! ^^p . and well for his wallies, of course i'll use his sexy~charm and kakkoi~charm ..those charm just fit in well with him~(or shall i say..sooooo well X) with him)


                           #4                                                                                      #5

Taguchi Junnosuke
NOTE: Junno-chan~ his pic for the 1st wallies is so kakkoi~ that it fits in the purlish sunset..i like his hair for DUES~he's so cute in that cut..maa..the second one is his cute-luvly-smily face ^~^ ..the color just match him i guess~


                              #6                                                                              #7

Tanaka Koki
NOTE: Kyaaa~ >.< boku no koki~kakkoi~~ demo ne...as i said before, it's quite hard to find his pic with his calm kakkoi face~ most of the pic i got is when he s makin his gangsta faces~it just won,t fit in this scenery wallies scheme ^^p but mochiron~i ll try my best in finding his best fit..hehe..so here's the wallies~ the first one is giving an impression of sad-but-tough koki..the second one is the kakkoiiiii~~ koki kun~~


                                 #8                                                                                     #9

Ueda Tatsuya
NOTE: Hime-sama~Uebo-sama~ it's not hard to find his pic for the scenery scheme..cuz he always put that "peace" kind of face on him. the first wallies is showing his freshness..while the second one is showing his "hime-sama"ness..hoho~ he fits in so welllllll~ in those purple flawa~hana no kami sama mitai na~


                         #10                                                                                   #11

Nakamaru Yuichi
NOTE: hohoho~i think i got influenced by boku no oneechan's fangirling towards nakamaru.. i can only see him in his bright smily face~n it just make perfect with my scenery scheme ^^ . the first one is the lake..he's like mizuumi-no-kami-sama and the second one is like mori-no-kami-sama.. his smile is so bright that i can't imagine using the dark sky as a scenery to fit him ^^p


                         #12                                                                                          #13

saa minna...that's all for the scenery-KAT-TUN-wallies
not much..but let me tell you something..
it felt soo good when you are doing something from deeeppp down of the bottom of your heart ^^,

KAT-TUN rabu rabu <3 <3  <3 <3 <3 <3
(did i count the love right? is it six? yep it's six..just enough for each and everyone of them (^^,)

sa minaa~ i hope you enjoyed it..
you may use it for your own purposes..but comments are very much appreciated ^^,

scenery, wallpapers, kat-tun

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