Sep 01, 2007 16:40
I'm cleaning my room like a fiend, I'm not just talking about picking up stuff and putting it away. I'm talking about moving my bed and futon out and sweeping and mopping my hardwood floors, washing all my blankets, and washing my futon cover. I'm getting super cereal over here.
But like half-way through I started getting fatigue, stupid PMS. Today is turning out to be pretty productive. I just need to get through this so I can collape, aha! Someone bring my midol & a monster pretty please.
I'm rocking out to Gackt, I haven't done that in a long time because it reminds me of my ex. But I'm finally able to get back into the only man that I'm attracted/obsessed to because he looks like a photoshopped woman anyway.
Gackt. ♥
EDIT 5:48 PM *looks at half taken apart futon and box spring and mattress in other room* I CAN'T DO IT DDDDDX!!!!!1 I'm so tired, why did I start this?!
EDIT2 6:59 PM I'm done.