"Papa wa idol" is "Papadoru" now?

Mar 29, 2012 18:12

After my yesterday post about Papadoru (yes, it seems to be the official name sadly
), the new day brings some new stuff!

The official twitter page of Eito, the pet dog of the family: 花村えいと.

The official site, all pretty: http://www.tbs.co.jp/PAPADOL2012/

Photo and photo and gifs!

Please, please, please, pretty please! Tell me that someone is going to sub it!

I don't want to spoil the fun watching it without subtitles (where subtitles means actually understanding what's going on), but I think that spoilers will be unavoidable
, it's too much of a big thing. Ah, the harsh life of an international fan who doesn't speak Japanese...

screenshoot/picspam, dorama: papa wa idol aka papadoru, kanjani8: ryo nishikido, je: kanjani8

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