October is here, let's start energetically with some hot Kanjani8!
They look... yummy! ♥_♥
How much I love black leather, I can't ever explain it. That's remind me that I have to prepare my two black leather jackets for the incoming autumn. And the two pair of black leather boots. Also, I would really love a black leather vest or a pair of black leather trousers, or a skirt! Shopping dreams...
Last autumn my boyfriend bought a black leather jacket too (a second-hand shop in London, it was a real affair!), so we are going to be all cute-matching-couple; it's something that I usually hate, couple-clothes, but for black leather I can go over it without problems.
Well, actually there is a thing for which I'm all for couple-clothes: the last penguins series of undies of Undercolors by Benetton.
I want to make that penguins melt, hell yeah! ;) Simply, I funking love penguins! And I love Benetton, it's my n°1 brand. And I love to give my boyfriend cute-stupid underwear. So... maybe for Christmas, if I'll have enough presents' found. The perfect set would be panties+bra+singlet+home-socks for me and little-penguins-theme boxer for my bf. They are soooo nice!
Why am I writing about it?!?
Oh, right: Kanjani8 --> black leather --> couple's black leather jackets --> couple's underwear --> penguins.
Ok, nice trip brain!
Life update: this exams' session ended, I have two exam behind plus two of the new laboratories of this semester, I have a week of nothing before starting the new (more hellish than usual) semester, in this week I actually have more stuff to do that when I have regular university (obviously precisely because I don't have university...), me and my bf are keeping of shocking people saying that we are going to start the fiancés' course at my church (honestly, we are together for nearly 8 years now, why nobody saw this coming...).
It's going to be all good and fun for the next seven days.
For later, I'll just hope for the best and expect the worst (usually for university this state of mind works well).
The photo below is a cake and I want to make it. Someone have any ideas about how I can do it?
Now, some of my idols' favourite photo that I saw recently.
I really believe that in real life Maru is the most womanizer of them all, he always has that something with the female guests (or Tanoshingo...). I really believe in his marpionaggine. Not to mention that he's hot when he's not making faces!
In the last days, I realized how much I'm failing a proper learn English and so I said to my bf about zukkii helpfulness about my English translation. I copied and pasted the entire thing in an email and ended it with an "Isn't she nice? :)"
My beloved bf reply was: "E non per girare il coltello nella piaga, ma "verbs HAVE always been my weak point"....ma sono sicuro che l'hai fatto apposta per farla divertire un po'! baci"
Which means: "And not for rub salt in the wound, but "verbs HAVE always been my weak point"... but I'm sure you did it on purpose to make her have a little of fun! kisses".
Lovely boyfriend, isn't he? So, the next week will be the resurrection of my high-school's English grammar book. Eh...
I just found the link for the last episode of Qsama with Ryo-chan in it!
HERE Have a nice weekend people! (^_^)