Jan 15, 2007 13:25
Snow Day! Ice day really since it's been freezing rain off and on all night. They actually closed the schools. Usually they just cancel the school busses but make the staff, walkers, and transit kids come in, but with a total shut down it means I get to stay home too -- a great thing because a) I get to stay home, and b) because teaching a class when only 6-10 kids show up usually means that I have to improv for one day or reteach the same material, and it's generally a huge waste of time. Closed schools mean I can sleep in until 11am and not have to bother with the dangerous drive and messed up classes of students.
As for the Quest. It is in fact a Quest for Mythic Characters. I need gods, goddesses, heroes and helpers from various pantheons to populate my 2YN novel. The novel takes place in the afterlife and my MC needs people to interact with (she also needs a name, but that can come later).
So, who do you think would make interesting characters in the story? They could be helpful, annoying, enemies, victims, friends... you get the idea. Any and all pantheons will work. (I also need a murder victim -- suggestions are good for him/her as well)
Deity / Hero:
Deity / Hero: Odysseus
Pantheon: Greek
Reason: Very intelligent -- might help solve case (or killed because he figured something out)
Anyone willing to help out with this Quest for Mythic Characters?
random thoughts