Oct 20, 2004 19:58
Not too sure why i keep on doing these, but its fun to see what comes up. Even tho this is pretty mcuh total bollocks. I'd like to see ammie dressed up as a milkman tho, could be slightly amusing. As for jess bein my arch enemy, i doubt it! And gemma as my son....okies. Its ok, i came up as doms son. its official, I AM A MAN. The boobs arent real.....
I love beer. I am a beer monster. Yay me. Emma stuffed a mars bar wrapper down my bra earlier. I swear to you that girl has sum obsession with my breasts. She really cant stay away! Played word asscociation in english, claire u lose. U do realise the aim of the game isnt to make up sum random word that ryhmes with what i say dont u?!?! bless, strange.
Watched this fuckin weird program last nite bout this man, who had a sex change operation to become a woman, but then decided he wanted his penis back, so he had another operation to go back to a man. What a freak. Aha, he cant have real erections now though. He has to squeeze his new testicles to get it up.
"Hard headed, idiotic, self centered, intironic. Nothing ever mattered to me till the time you thought u knew me. I know u really want it bad..." Hannie x x x x