Dec 11, 2004 11:54
Fucking good night again last night. Jagged Lime were prety snazzy, shame about the PA fucking up for ages, but they did sum kul jamming. DKS were fucking good as always. Told Matt I thought they were like sex on legs...he was impressed. Also told him I wsa a fan for life, which is true because they are fucking awesome. cant wait for the EP in JANUARY. Had a long convo wit blonde john (from Shard). He is always so glamorous. dman, why is he so attractive?! wish he wasnt 20, seems so old to me. he tried to sell me tickets to watch them play in oxford street on the 23rd, think i will probs go cos it sounds like fun. they are laying a bus on from hitchin and stevo station to go down there, so all will be GOOD. best bit of the night was ross and his friends. omg, i love them! they are too funny for their own good, and they are all slags so it was fab! They told me I could join them as a slag, so i was happy! Jen was very kul, liked her a lot. Kate was fantastic, we are going off to rape blokes..... (oh and she may be coming to kts next year) Rosie was lovely, she made ross in a good way tho. leo was LUSH, spent a lot of the night chatting him up. Taught them all how to skank. they are all trendy so they were like wtf, but was good. and they said they didn't think i was a freak, which is nice to know. and as for ross, well he is such a babe. when i said i had to go they were all like "NO!" and ross grabbed me and started telling me how wonderful I was and how much he loved me, and it was people like me that kept him going. i know he was drunk, but he was so genuine, and he was like "i know youve been through so much in your life hannah, but you're so great, i love you so much, you are so special, i want to keep in contact with you forever" etc etc etc. and he kept on kissing me and awwww bless! i adore that boy! Oh and apprently im a legend?! lol all's good! And as for emma, OMG im SO SO SO SO SO Happy for you! sorry i didnt understand what you were going on about at just dense. yayness.
Am feeling GOOD today. I like this feeling, give me good music (that isnt chav shit..urghm dinner dance!) good company and good people and im set up. Sorted. Ross, I am your sex forever! Love it too much xxxx Hannah. Your sex