Name/Handle: Seve
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Timezone: Eastern Standard
E-Mail Address:
AIM/other messenger screenname: lagann impact
Personal LJ username: sevetenks
Is English your native language?: Also my only one!
Series: Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
Series' Medium: Anime
Character you're applying for: Kittan Bachika
Character's age: I’d say he’s around Kamina’s age pre-timeskip, which would be 17 or so, so adding in the 7 year timeskip, Kittan would be about 24. For the sake of the roleplay I’m going to be pinning him at 24.
Character's gender: Male
Character’s “Real Name”: Charlie Brown
How long have you roleplayed your character, if at all?: For Kittan… Never! Trying something new here seeing as he’s tied for my favorite character with Simon, who I play at i_s_l_a_n_d_rp and have been for a few months.
Where have you roleplayed in general and/or with this specific character?: I roleplay a lot at i_s_l_a_n_d_rp and started here at damned in the summer.
Have you played the game/watched the movie or anime/read the book or comic, etc. that your character hails from?: I’ve watched every episode numerous times and know all the stuff from the post-series meetings and whatnot, and am looking forward to any possible OVAs and maybe even the manga having a different ending. So yes, I have watched the anime.
Please give us a detailed personal history of your character:
To start off, Kittan was born underground, as were his three sisters; Kiyal, Kiyoh, and Kinoh. While to some this might seem odd, that isn’t so for the cast Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann. Now, Kittan and his sisters - through some means that has not yet and may not ever be covered in the series - made their way to the surface. They became known as the Black Siblings and for the most part, just tried to survive.
Tried to survive against what? Why, the creatures known as Beastmen and their mecha, known in the Gurren world as “Gunmen”! And they did a pretty good job too, considering they didn’t have much of their own aside from some animals they rode on and some odd costumes. That is, until Kittan and his sisters met Kamina - the first man ever to hijack a Gunmen from a Beastman. After seeing him and his ragtag group of heroes, the Gurren Brigade, the Black Siblings once again went on their way.
It would be a bit of a while before the Black Siblings arrived again, but in the meantime the Gurren Brigade continued on their journey to what they believed was the capital of the Beastmen’s operations, a place where they could stop the Beastman threat once and for all. Unfortunately, as it turned out, the “capital” was merely one of the “Big Four’s” battleships, the Dai-Gunzan. After a battle that was nearly lost, Simon temporarily defeated the Dai-Gunzan and many other Gunmen pilots arrived.
Anyway, sometime before the Black Siblings’ next appearance (which would have much less QUALITY than the first, by far), Kittan split up with his sisters. What he did exactly is somewhat unknown, but by the time he came back he was in a Gunmen of his own, named King Kittan, and raring to kick some Beastmen tail. Upon his return, along with the arrival of many more warriors in Gunmen of their own, he and his sisters ended up joining the Gurren Brigade along with the rest of the reinforcements during the first battle against the Dai-Gunzan.
After all of the men united under Kamina, he came up with a plan to use Simon’s Lagann to take the Dai-Gunzan as the Gurren Brigade’s and defeat the Beastmen there all at once, and it all went as planned. Except for the part where Kamina got killed, which essentially screwed Simon up mentally and put Kittan as the leader of the Gurren Brigade.
Kittan’s leadership didn’t last long. In fact, not long after finding the Spiral King’s daughter, thanks to some pretty girls, he walked the Gurren Brigade right into a Beastman trap (set by Guame of the Big Four). If not for Simon, who was still utterly depressed over his brother’s death, recovering and defeating Guame, they probably would have died there. Kittan happily gave Simon the role of leader and became his loyal follower and friend.
After Simon took over, things started picking right back up where they left off. After defeating the Big Four and reaching the Teppelin, the Beastmen capital, Kittan and the rest of the Gurren Brigade would battle on the ground while Simon, Rossiu, and Nia, went to face off against Lord Genome, the Spiral King. Simon won his battle, and Kittan and the others successfully stopped any Beastman forces from winning.
All seemed to be well in the world. And for seven years, there was nothing but peace. Miraculously, technology came in a blaze, and soon the Gurren Lagann world began to resemble a world much like our own, filled with technology, betrayal, and of course, politics. Kittan, in fact, was given the title of Chief of the Legal Affairs Bureau in Kamina City, which had become the capital of the world. Simon became the Commander-in-Chief and Rossiu became second in command. At Rossiu’s command, the old Gunmen that they had were destroyed (save the Gurren Lagann) and a new mecha, the Gulaparl, took their place and were used to keep the peace and stop any trouble makers.
And for the most part, aside from the guerilla warfare of the Beastman Viral, the world was at peace. But then the one millionth child was born and all the peace was promptly flushed down the toilet. Nia, formerly a sweet and kind girl, turned into a heartless ‘Anti-Spiral’ messenger and informed the human people that they, the Spiral race, were to die before they became the ‘Spiral Nemesis’ and destroyed the entire universe.
Nia explained (and unbeknownst to Kittan, at the exact time the reanimated head of Lord Genome explained all of this to Rossiu) to the human race, to Simon and through every television on the planet, that each person of the Spiral Race contained Spiral Energy, which is the very essence of evolution. The amount of Spiral Energy a person has is not based on strength, but rather, their emotions - their will to live, their hopes and dreams, and their mental and emotional strength. If too much of it were used, it is said that the very universe would collapse.
And that was where the Anti-Spirals came in. Giving up everything, they made it their mission to drive the humans into absolute despair so it would drain away their hope and their Spiral Energy. And as it turned out, Lord Genome had kept the humans underground in order to prevent them from activating the Spiral Nemesis, so that made it the Gurren Brigade’s fault it was happening in the eyes of the people.
And with that said, Nia disappeared with the Anti-Spirals, the moon began to fall, and Anti-Spiral machines that the humans dubbed ‘Mugann’ started attacking. Simon managed to defeat them this time with the aid of Gimmy and Darry, but shortly after that Rossiu cornered the commander and had him arrested - putting the blame for this all on him.
While Simon awaited his trial, Rossiu began his plans for saving as many people as he could. He set forth the creation of the Arc-Gurren, a machine that would take humans into space so when the moon crashed onto the Earth, there wouldn’t be as many casualties. Unfortunately, the Mugann came again and Simon was allowed to leave jail to fight them… with Kinon, now a loyal follower of Rossiu and his view of the world, strapped to a bomb piloting the Gurren. If Simon were to try to escape, she would blow herself and the Gurren up.
Kittan went to talk to her - and yell at Rossiu for doing something so absurd with his sister - after the Mugann were defeated and Simon was sent to jail, but she just slapped him and went away with Rossiu. A little later on, Kittan would go to Rossiu to discover just what was happening, where he learned just how doomed it seemed the human race was. After learning that, Kittan went to visit his niece, who was coincidentally also the millionth child, in the city, when the Mugann attacked yet again.
Armed only with a gun, Kittan helped evacuate all the citizens - including his other two sisters and Dayakka, another of the Gurren Brigade and the father of his niece - and began firing at the Mugann when a vehicle arrived with Kittan’s King Kittan, along with a few more Gunmen. As it turned out, Makken, another Gurren Brigade member, and his wife Reite, who had been the maintainer of the Dai-Gurren’s engine back in the day; had taken the destroyed Gunmen parts and rebuilt them - better than ever.
Back in the King Kittan, Kittan began taking down Mugann and doing what he did best like any Gurren Brigade member. Shortly after he turned around and flew back to the base, taking the Core Drill (the power source of Simon’s Lagann) back from Rossiu and going to the prison to meet the other Gurren Brigade members and free Simon. Shortly after, they began preparing to destroy the moon and defeat the Anti-Spirals, and it’s from this time before that battle that Kittan found himself waking up in Landel’s.
Had Kittan not arrived at Landel’s, he would have followed Simon into battle, where Simon fused the Gurren Lagann with the Arc-Gurren creating the Arc Gurren Lagann (he has such a way with naming things) and destroyed the “moon”, which as it turns out was actually Lord Genome’s flagship in disguise. After using Spiral Energy to rip through the universe to bring the real moon back, that ability was used again to take the Gurren Brigade, riding the Chouginga Gurren (Genome’s renamed flagship) to where the Anti-Spiral home world should have been.
Unfortunately that turned out to be a trap, and with new weapons and mecha far superior to the Mugann, and one by one the Gurren Brigade slowly began losing their members one by one. Finally, Genome’s head told Simon that the ship could transform into a new form - but just as the Spiral Energy required for that began reaching the peak it needed to be at, the Gurren Brigade sank into a sea in space that led to the Death Spiral Machine, which generated the “sea” and drained away almost all Spiral Energy from the humans.
In a last-ditch attempt to destroy the machine, Kittan would leave the ship - after confessing to Yoko that he loved her and stealing a kiss - in the Space King Kittan, which was the exponentially larger version of the King Kittan he’d been given after the Gurren Brigade left Earth; to destroy the Death Spiral Machine. The Space King Kittan got destroyed, but with the King Kittan still inside, Kittan destroyed the Death Spiral Machine at the cost of his life.
Please give us a detailed description of your character's personality: Kittan can be an egotistical punk at some times, like when he first met Kamina and the Gurren Brigade, and kept trying to show he was better than Kamina, as well as when he refers to himself as “ore-sama” instead of just “ore”. That being said, he’s definitely not as much of an out there crazy shounen hero like Kamina was, but that doesn’t stop him. He’s a more down to earth kind of hero, and he’s a really good guy, which has been shown many times - he easily gave up the title of leader to someone he knew deserved it more, he’s lived with and presumably taken care of his sisters for years, he likes kids, and he’s willing to die for the people he cares about. As a whole, he comes off as a good role model, a tough guy, and loyal to his comrades no matter what.
Please give us a detailed physical description of your character: Kittan is as average looking as far as humans go. The upper part of his hair, the part that’s sticking up, is blond while the lower part has a brown thing going on. He also has rather large eyebrows, also brown, and besides for that he’s fairly normal looking. Tall, but not too tall, and his skin’s probably a little tanned. No strange animal parts or anything, no magic cloud hair, but he’s well built with all the fighting and whatnot.
What point in time are you taking your character from when he/she appears at Landel's?: Somewhere in the middle of episode 21, meaning he’ll be coming from the middle of a battle and he’ll think the moon is falling. … So yeah he won’t be happy.
What kinds of magical/special/crazy powers does your character have, if any?: He can pilot a Gunmen and he’s pretty good shot, but otherwise no special skills come to mind. He, like all humans in Gurren Lagann, has Spiral Energy in him, which probably doesn’t mean as much in a world where Spiral Energy doesn’t exist, but in the unlikely event he gets his hands on a robot, it would help then?
If present, how do you plan to tweak those powers to make him/her appropriately hindered in the setting of Landel's?: Seeing as Spiral Energy is pretty useless unless he’s got a Gunmen or plans on building some mechanical things (which he won’t, he’s not Leeron or Reite after all) there isn’t really anything to tweak.
Does your character have any other non-magical skills or abilities that we should know about?: Not that I know of.
How about improbable appendages?: Kittan’s one hundred percent human, baby! No animal parts or extra limbs to speak of here! Not like those damned furries!
Please give us an idea of where you'd like to take your character within the scope of the Landel's Damned RP: Despite the fact he might think Landel’s isn’t “real” for a while, he’d act the same as he would if he thought it was. At first he’ll probably attack a doctor or two, but he’s not stupid and when he gets used to Landel’s, he’ll learn that that’s not the best thing to do. During the night shift I can see him not really being afraid (not including the first night or two which will probably freak him out), but rather, fighting monsters and helping every single person that he can. This WOULD include him doing something possibly suicidal (which is what he does later on in the show) except him dying would make it difficult to play. He’d still do the thing, of course, if he was sure he had to - and hopefully there’d be something coming along to stop him from dying.
What kind of psychological effect do you see Landel's Institute having on your character?: More than likely, he’s going to be pissed off at first, what with the doctors and everyone saying that his home, his universe, and all of his friends aren’t real. Not only that, he’s going to be convinced the moon is falling for at least a day, if not more (depending on what people tell him). After he figures out it’s NOT falling, and when the whole Landel’s thing becomes clear to him… he might think it’s some kind of Anti-Spiral trick for a while. (Actually the Anti-Spiral CAN induce hallucinations of other worlds and fantasies to the victim of said induced hallucination, but Kittan died before that happened - and I’m taking him from before he died so he definitely doesn’t know about that.) Thinking it’s an Anti-Spiral trick or him deciding that the world of Landel’s is real (which will probably depend on him running into people he knows, seeing as the idea of it being an Anti-Spiral trick has no basis aside from the possibility that they could do it from the point I’m taking it) won’t affect how he’ll act, however, he’ll be who he is no matter what.
Given that this RP takes place in an unsettling and outright horrific environment, how do you justify your character as being appropriate in both body and mind for this kind of setting?: Kittan is an adult, for one thing, and he might not be the sharpest crayon in the box, but he’s a hero and he’s more than capable of taking care of himself when he needs to. He’s a man willing to sacrifice his life just to aid his comrades, and I’d definitely want someone like him to have my back in a fight. He might not have experienced any ‘horror’ in the super robot world of Gurren Lagann, but after a life underground, aiding the victory against the Beastmen, and his ventures after that, there isn’t a doubt in my mind he’ll be able to handle Landel’s.
Third-Person Sample:
“Ah, Mister Brown! I’m glad to see you’re finally up,” The eldest of the Black siblings coughed a little as he sat up on the… cot? Yeah it felt like a cot, though you never knew in this hell hole. What had happened earlier anyway…? “Are you ready to stop with these silly stories about beasts and machines and get on with your treatment?”
“Keh! The day I stop with the ‘silly stories’ is the day I die!” replied Kittan, not in the least threatened by the man despite the fact he had sedated him… whenever it was. How long had he been out anyway? Long enough to dream about where he should be, at any rate. Damn! He was supposed to meet his roommate at lunch to make some plans for the night shift, and then he had gone and gotten accused of attacking some nurse! As if he’d ever hit a woman, really, of all the nerve.
“Now now, you shouldn’t say such things,” chided the doctor, as if he was talking to a child. Kittan scowled and swung his legs over the bed… or at least he tried to, but it looked like he was still a little woozy from the drugs. Just great. So instead his legs just flopped off the bed, but at least they were moving. “Oh my, not quite awake yet, are you?”
“Guess not, doc,” muttered Kittan, lifting an arm up to make sure he still could, if he needed to. And it looked like it was in better shape than his legs seemed to be, probably good enough to get a few good hits in if need be.
“You know, hitting that woman was a very shameful thing to do, but it’s alright,” the doctor shook his head and looked over a clipboard. Kittan really wanted to just say he hadn’t done anything like what they were saying, but it would just get him nowhere and he’d rather be somewhere than here. “You can’t help yourself.”
“Look, can I go? Not that you aren’t great company or anything but I’d prefer to spend my time with someone with half a brain than a so called doctor who either doesn’t know what the hell he’s talking about or is just some alien screwing with my head,” was the annoyed response. The man only laughed, and Kittan would have loved to grab him by his collar and show him just who he was messing with.
“Not just yet, I’d like to run a quick test, if that’s alright with you,” replied the doctor, the ever present smile still there. It was really starting to tick Kittan off. “Though really, me? An alien? I can’t say whether or not I should be offended or amused, Mister Brown!”
“… Yeah, yeah, just get the tests over with already! And for the last time, my name is Kittan,” said Kittan after a moment. As soon as he figured out how the hell to get out of here and back to Simon and the others, he was going to come back and punch this guy. Or better yet, completely wreck the place with the King Kittan. Now that sounded appealing.
First-Person Sample:
Considering the fact that virtually no one aside from Leeron seemed to know how to read and write in the first half of the story, and the only writing Kittan’s probably ever done in the second half is signing government documents and other such forms, he won’t be writing in his journal or anything like that. The exception to that would be MAYBE making a map in it, or some quick notes - IF he uses it at all. If you still want a first person sample, though, tell me and I’ll whip one up for you post haste, though as I said, it’d just be quick notes and things like that.
this guy are sick