My Birthday ^^

Aug 04, 2009 01:24

 Do you know how to make people get along with each other?

I think I have very few friends, but the truth is that tomorrow is my birthday and I didn't ask anyone to come xP
Of course is a Tuesday, not really a good day of the week for a birthday, but maybe I should actually do something about it. I keep on discussing with my family that my birthday is always a Tue, Wed or Thu, and I never get a weekend or something cool, they think I'm crazy, but I'm so sure I am right  :-(

My few friends, practically don't know each other, and the people who I see often now, from work and school are not best friends, but is the people I see more than my true dear friends. So they usually want to actually do something  Basically always looking for an excuse to have fun...Not to even mention all the guys want to meet my girlfriends o.O

Ok, so basically that is the question. What to do. Not even my best friends know each other, or have seen each other more than once or twice...

One year I had a barbecue at home, and I thought that I am a total failure making people get along with each other when they are so different and I don't know what to talk about. Maybe that's why they don't know each other, coz I tend to get close to ONE person or two and then that's it, and I meet them all in different places...

After that day of the barbecue, I said to myself  " no way ever again" but of course since then, I didn't really get or worked out  a chance to make them meet each other in another occasion *lazy* at least to gather 2 or 3 friends who don't know each other, so they meet and then later in a future special occasion, birthday whatever, they at least have seen each other and know if they like each other enough *lol*

So really, I feel I am in trouble, specially because I didn't think about doing anything. I think the only way out is to ask everybody out maybe on Friday / Saturday to some place for pizza and drinks and hopefully music loud enough and lighting dark enough for not having to make a huge effort to make them happy, coz they will be, as long as they can speak to one person they know/like and move around more easily than in my place...

And of course there is always this friend that needs taken care of, or maybe I haven't seen in a kinda long time and is not really fair to leave them alone...So, I'm not really sure, but if I can work out something to make them all go to a place they all feel is close enough, and nice enough (coz that's another situation when they dislike the place, grr) with such short notice, maybe it would be nice :-/ coz asking about 25 or 30 people to come, and if later they cannot at the very last minute or so, I'll end up, again, seeing the same people I see every f***ing day and thinking "why Im not spending my bday with the people who I love the most and love me best *lol* Of course I love the others too, but who knows in a few years how many of them I'll still keep in contact with..Well, who knows.. Well, of course there are my cousins too! They are friendly ^^ and they know my best friend and some of the closest *thinking* At times like this I wish I could see my second best friend who lives in Japan and another very special and close friend who lives in Switzerland. Distance can be so hearbraking sometimes..

Ok, that's all, basically...

Sorry if you stayed to read the whole thing, coz I should have said something more interesting ^^ Yeah, like "oh, Keita baby, you are so hot!" I meant Ponyo, I should remember I've recently changed his name :P

friendship, birthday, friends

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