Que knight in shining armor

Sep 18, 2009 07:26

just take me a away for a while... I'd rather not deal with all the poppycock and foolishness going on with EVERYONE at the moment.

Some people are just so ridiculously dense sometimes that I feel dumber after listening to them.

I'm having a bitter moment.... oh yes guys.....AGAIN!

I've witnessed a few friends go through some revolting arguments with people lately. It makes me ill just hearing/listening to them because these arguments are not constructive at all and usually the person is not making sense. Their is an art to argument and these people fail spectacularly! An IQ of room temperature to give you an idea.

Bah! I'm really sick of seeing my friends falling. I just want everyone to kiss and make up.

I feel like i'm the only one who's still standing.....wobbling, but standing. It's strange to feel strong. It doesn't mean i don't hurt. I just think I've spent too much time crying in the past that I now have the ability to just keep going. I'm not sure how I feel about this yet, I automatically get confused when there's a period of time in which I feel like I need to cry and I just don't. I sit there holding my hands up to my face going "what?"

*shrugs* I just hope this is healthy and doesn't come back to bite me in the arse.

I'm coping.....I guess :P

As I began.....*cough cough* Que knight in shining armor!!! *cough*.......oh right, they don't exist. *sigh*

Hana-chan can has fairytale please?

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