hey everyone! gosh it seems like ages since I last blogged! Sorry for not blogging more often!
So summer started with a bit of a boring start, but in the past week I have done lots like gone to a wedding, went to blackpool pleasure beach and just chilled at home. My life isn't the most interesting yet I do think that in order for it to be, YOU have to make it interesting. I have done most of the work set for me to do in the holidays, and am now just relaxing and thinking up strategies on how to tackle the upcoming academic years. I have made a lot of mistakes, and have learnt alot from them(distractions etc). I really do want to knuckle my head down this year, try my best and achieve what I can :) It's not that I regret some of the things I did last year, I just feel that if I went by them in a diferent manner, things would have been much simpler. For the upcoming academic year, I would actually like to set myself some personal aims, to help me achieve my potential, and not to get distracted by little distractions which could mean biiiig time regretsss. Sometimes I find it so hard to be motivated, I mean to like do work or revise whatever. I think I'm doing well with my work over summer having completed 5 drafts and only needing one more to go through and completing 2 maths papers which won't take much long. I just hope to keep it up, and not go on the laptop as much when the school year starts. I think perhaps setting myself a time of 3 hours a week to go on
social networking and time consuming(wasting) sites, where as with the rest of the time, I could complete work, and make it better, so that I CAN achieve the grades I WANT to :)
I want to enjoy the holidays, but don't want to enjoy them too much so that I dont get much work done. Oh, and I also have a fear I may forget everything when I get back to school which is rather annoying me at the moment.
I really want to go to the Queen Tribute concert in Leeds in September, but as much as I want to I dont think I can make it as the month of Fasting starts on the 21/22 August (depending on the moon ya'see. Talking about the month of fasting, I am really looking forward to as I find it a month of reflection and an evaluation of what you really take for granted. I mean they are some people in the world who don't eat from sunrise to sunset EVERY day, and for us to do that for a whole month is an inkling of how the REAL fasters feel. It is also a month where you feel spiritually strong. In that, I mean you can achieve more than what you think you can, and you should in no way doubt yourself.
I think that is a little summary for you all, and I really do thank you for reading this.
It means a lot.
Update @ 11.08 am --> Be sure to check out my Unsigned account