Worst day of my life...

Sep 10, 2005 14:23

Yesterday, I pretty much spent drugged up and crying...

Woke up, and my eyes were swollen shut...great...if youve never had that, its horrible!! Its so painful, and when theyre itching on top of that! Man..
I went to Adams room for breakfast about 15 min later than i said i would, and pretty much cried from the time i got there til i went to biochem...if you saw me in biochem and noticed or even cared that i was crying thats why...i felt like such a freak upon the whole fact that i was in pain and scared as to why i woke up with horrible itchy swollen eyes! After immunology, i went to the heath center, and asked if they could squeeze me in...they did, and told me that it was prolly my shots that were doing this to me...however they said i needed to go to urgent care (which happend to be in livonia, and i found out later that theres urgent care SO much closer than that one...who knows why they sent me an hour out of my way...but thats another story). Anywho...they wanted me to go right away, and i said well i have a class at 12 but i can go after 1...they said that wont do and that i need to go now...and i was like too bad i cant go cuz i dont have a car, and my bf is not out of classes til 1 either...Adam was such a doll and took me! :-* What a good boy i have! Anywho, we got there, and found out that they dont take my insurence...so paid $100 which i dont have cuz i was just tired and groggy from the benedryll that they gave me before physics...the only good thing that came from going to livonia was that we found gas for $2.69/gal we thought that was awesome, but didn't get any after all! :-/ Anywho, they saw me, and said they dont think its my allergy shots cuz this wouldn't be happening 4 days after the fact! But they diagnosed me with localized dermatitous...which is just a localized skin infection...ya no crap! Theyre giving me steroids now for it for the next 6 days! :-/ Came home around 4:30, found i was in trouble, and pretty much cried for the next 2 hrs straight...and fell asleep...til 9:30...watched a movie with Adam...I just want to say again that hes such a sweetheart!! I feel bad because he was supposed to go out with his friends last night, and apparently from the sounds of things they had a great time, but I felt bad cuz he stayed with me and didn't have the fun he could have! :-/ He was such an angel to me tho and truly appreciated everything he did for me yesterday! But ya, that was pretty much my crappy day!

School is going well...im ontop of things more so this year which is excellent! I think its cuz im finally happy! :-D My floors are great! So much better than last year! I'm excited that they actually show up to my events! Theyre awesome! :-D Being a TA is awesome!! I fell like such a teacher! :-p I helped the freshman out a lot thursday, and they seem like a great bunch of kids! Makes me feel old tho! I'm gonna have fun with that! I even did my good dead of the year! :-) Made me feel all tingly inside! ;-D

Anywho, i should prolly get ready to go out to Meijer...I have so many drugs that need to be bought today! Sucks being such a drugie!:-/
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