I finished my exams! Yay!
And I already know the grades of two of them! I passed!
Passing English Poetry I was especially difficult, but I did it!
Oh, I wanna know all the results already.
In other news, I've been to the Royal Embassy of Norway today.... It was so difficult to find... and... and... the Embassy of Denmark was on top of it... OH, HETALIA!
Anyway, I went there because I'm planning a trip to Norway, since a friend of mine is an ERASMUS student there (an European exchange, that is the ERASMUS Program). I feel so happy! I have to try salmiakk!
Well, and I received a new Hetalia parcel from Treasure-Japan.
Hetalia Karuta, Hetalia posters, and the box is a New Year's pack:
Omamori, soba, mochi... that's really something