Hey folks
Not a lot of time to being a geek now. School became more interesting, I choose to take a logical programming I've nerver heard about it before but it's kinda "exotic" ...
New job means new colleagues, new boss ect. I work as computing service provider for Louis Vuitton in the middle of Paris (1er arondissement). Obously this is a more than a great place , there is Le Louvre, Les quais de seine, Chatelet, the Marais (Gay area in Paris) cross the Seine I'm in Saint Germain des Près, so I feel lucky. (and I 'll make pics soon)
Last week Bertrand and I did go to see an exhibition of David Lachapelle at the Hotel de la Monnaie, he's a big fan of that kind of stuff, I'm the sports and porn fan lol.
As you can see I couldn't take pics of the event, just the building...
Then we just move to les Champs Elysées, I bought 10 CD of classic french hip hop (NTM, Assssin and IAM) a great investment !
He hates to be taken is picture...So I don't ask anymore ...