[FIC] Challenge #2 - A Question of Craftiness

Jul 28, 2006 22:59

Title: A Question of Craftiness
Pairings: Nakajima/Kaoru, Omi/Kaoru
Rating: R for dubious consent (only a little :X) and smut.
Summary: Sometimes, you don't realize what you have until you're about to lose it.

X-posted to my lj and blheaven.

For lyntek. ♥

At first, Omi didn't notice that something was very wrong. Nakajima had launched a new series of attacks on his mainframe, and most of his time, energy and attention went towards blocking them. He only left the treasury to sleep for several days, and if someone hadn't started to leave plates of food and drinks on his desk he would have forgotten to do both. He could only hope Nakajima went to bed each night as exhausted as he did.

The attacks suddenly ceased on Saturday, and Omi found himself with nothing to do for the first time that week. His thoughts immediately went to Kaoru and he felt a pang of guilt for ignoring him all these days, but when he turned around to find the long-haired boy he was nowhere to be seen. Maybe he had something to take care of; it wasn't as if the world had stopped this week after all.

Kaoru returned three hours later and Omi was instantly apologetic. He had expected scowls and grumpy accusations, but instead Kaoru met him with a smile and a dismissing motion, letting Omi help him out of his coat as if nothing had changed. Apologies were in order however, and Omi insistingly gestured his friend to the couch while he went for the tea set and Kaoru's favorite blend. The water was still boiling when his speakers issued a rapid beeping and he froze for a moment, tea cup in hand.

"Omi," he turned towards the source of the amused voice, "put the cup down and go make sure our system is still safe." He wavered a little whole longer, then put the cup down with an apologetic sigh, heading to his desk to assess the damage. Five minutes later he found a cup of hot tea sitting at his left elbow, sweetened just the way he liked it, and he decided Kaoru was probably not too mad at him.

It became a pattern over the next week. Every few days, all activity from the student council's terminal would stop, and Omi would find himself with several free hours. Kaoru was almost never there in what had to be the strangest clash in schedules he'd ever known, but that gave him the chance to fortify his defenses or catch up on his studies. He was smart, but not as smart as Kaoru after all, and he did want to keep up. He made it a point to keep the water hot whenever he was alone, hoping against hope that Kaoru might be back soon so that they could have tea together like they used to, before Nakajima decided to make Omi's life a living hell. He would be up and moving as soon as the familiar footsteps stopped at the door to the treasury, and Kaoru would be greeted by a cup sitting on the table closest to his favorite spot. The effort at appeasing him was always repaid with a smile, but the inevitable beeping would always start again before Omi could finish more than half his tea. He found himself swiveling in his chair at odd times, just to see if Kaoru was in the treasury or outside doing something else, and his focus suffered greatly because of it. Nakajima filtered more viruses through in those days than he had done since Omi had taken over the network security, and while it bothered Omi on one level he found himself caring more about what Kaoru was doing.

This shift in focus made it that much easier to connect the ceasing of computer attacks with Kaoru's disappearances.

One of the advantages of being a good hacker and in charge of the campus network was the amount of spying possible. The minute Nakajima stepped out of his hole, Omi's fingers went flying over the keyboard. Tracking his foe through the cameras was easy since he knew exactly where Nakajima would be walking. Kaoru was nowhere to be seen however; that meant they were meeting outside of campus. He couldn't track them that far from his present location, but he could pull up the feed from the security camera positioned at the front door and make sure he saw them coming back in. Tracking them from one feed to the other was easy once he figured out they were heading towards the treasury, and he had the extreme good fortune of having them stop in perfect view of one of the lenses.

For the first time, Omi regretted that the security system did not allow for voice feeds. He watched Nakajima's lips move, watched Kaoru smile at something he said, arms nonchalantly crossed as he leaned against the wall. Nakajima said something else, and the smile turned a tad challenging when Kaoru tossed out his reply. Then the hacker was leaning in, and Omi waited for Kaoru to slap him, kick him, use his pepper spray on him.

Their lips met, and the kiss was anything but chaste. In fact, Omi was sure Nakajima was using his sharp tongue, and Kaoru was obviously returning the favor. Then Nakajima stepped away, gave Kaoru a last wave, and sauntered back to the student council and the computer, while Kaoru resumed his walk towards the treasury. Omi had enough presence of mind left to shut down the camera feed, but found himself unable to do much more than blink at Kaoru's question of "Did you want tea?". The beeping of the computer was almost a relief, something he could distract himself with, so that he didn't have to keep seeing the exchange replay in his mind.

Except that his mind never listened to him anyway, and the kiss was replayed over and over until he started to imagine himself on the other side of it. Nakajima's computer was attacked harshly that day. Hopefully the seven viruses he had sneaked in would keep the hacker too busy to meet Kaoru.


Omi almost never got drunk. On the rare occasions that he consumed alcoholic drinks, he was more likely to go for something sweet like champagne rather than vodka. But champagne wouldn't drown the thoughts in his head, and so he had smuggled in a bottle of the much stronger drink. It hadn't been hard, the security guards all knew and trusted him after all, and no one thought to check if he was bringing anything illegal through the doors.

The drink was doing its job of relaxing him (enough to sleep he hoped) but the thoughts were still there, ever pressing, ever insisting. It had become an obsession, following Kaoru and Nakajima around with first cameras, then on foot when their trips outside the school had become more frequent. He had secretly accompanied them on their dates, always staying a safe distance behind. Something ached more and more after each glimpse, and it had finally compelled him to drown his sorrows. Kaoru was out again and would never know.

He wasn't sure what drove him to Kaoru's room that night. His thoughts, the scotch, most likely a combination of both and the jealousy churning inside him, made worse by the effects of the alcohol. But when his friend stepped through the door and calmly shed his coat, Omi put aside his bottle of false comfort and flicked the switch of the bedside lamp. A soft glow filled the room, just enough to see the expression on Kaoru's face as he took in Omi's disheveled appearance and the bottle standing quite close by.

"What are you doing here?" There was something fascinating about the way Kaoru's hair would shift when he moved. Those strands would feel perfect, shifting through someone's fingers. Had Nakajima realized that, done that?

"Omi?" He always smelled like a blend of spices, probably from all that tea he favored. Would his skin taste the same? Did his lips?

He suddenly needed to know.

He said nothing, gave no warning, simply stood up and jerked Kaoru towards him, capturing those soft lips in a bruising kiss. He didn't care that hands were pushing at him, didn't care that Kaoru was squirming in his arms, merely sent his hands roving over the slim form before him until the sounds of protest turned to moans and Kaoru was pulling, begging, and kissing Omi back, just as frantic.

Had he not been as drunk as he was, he would have handled everything with more finesse. But all rational thought was long gone, and he simply pulled at clothes until the buttons tore out of their holes, sending the fabric to the floor and pushing Kaoru onto the bed, immediately following after. Pants were harder to deal with, but another set of hands helped dispose of those as well, and then it was skin to skin. Kaoru's hands pulled at him, insisting, pausing for a moment to fumble in the drawer of his nightstand and hand the tube to Omi. Recognizing it for what it was, Omi took the tube with a soft growl, popping the cap and only taking the time to coat his leaking shaft. Then those soft hands were reaching for him again and he complied, pushing against the unprepared hole and thrusting when it loosened enough to let him in.

The sound of Kaoru's low moan made him shiver, and he lowered his head to bite a pale shoulder, already withdrawing to thrust in again. "You're mine," he said, "I won't let him have you," he snarled, and then they were both too far gone to do anything but make nonsensical noises.


Warm. The bed was so warm all of a sudden, so unlike how it usually was, and Omi curled towards the warmth with a happy sigh. He felt something brush through his hair and curled towards that too. If this was a dream, it was much better than the nightmares he'd been having. But when an arm curled around him and soft strands brushed over his forehead, all traces of lethargy disappeared, and his eyes flew open with a choked gasp. Kaoru's head was resting against his, eyes half closed, and the arm around him and fingers in his hair belonged to Kaoru as well. Even the bed did, and it was that last thing that brought the memories rushing back.

The memories, and the guilt that threatened to choke him.

"I-I'm sorry," he stammered, sitting up abruptly, intent on getting back to his own room as fast as he could, away from disappointed, accusing green eyes. His eyes frantically scanned the room for his clothes, finding both pants and shirt on his side of the bed, and he swung his legs over. But when he tried to stand up, the arm that had been loosely flung over him held him firmly in place.

"Kaoru?" The green eyes were wide open now, but instead of the disgust he had expected to see there was smugness, satisfaction, and more than a hint of annoyance.

"If you walk away now, I'll come after you with the pepper spray." A smirk flickered through. "Niwa can attest to how painful it is."

"I don't understand." That was perhaps an understatement. "I forced you, I was drunk and you pushed me away but I forced you. I betrayed your trust and took you when you already belong with someone." Nakajima would probably deck him when he found out. Omi was sure he deserved much worse.

"Since when do you decide that?" The arm tightened slightly. "And you didn't force me. Now come back to bed."

"Didn't you decide that when you went out with Nakajima?" He paused for a moment, then decided he didn't have much to lose. "I saw him kissing you."

"I know." There was that smirk again. "Was the camera angle good?"

"...you did that on purpose?"

"Of course." The arm dropped away then while Kaoru stretched like a lazy cat. "Why would I be interested in Nakajima?"


That earned him a disbelieving look. "To lure you in, of course. I will have to thank Nakajima later; he truly did a great job distracting you with those new programs of his."

The fact that Kaoru had been his for the taking all along if only he hadn't been too blind to see it was like a splash of cold water.

"That doesn't take away the fact that I was rough with you." 'Forcing' somehow didn't seem plausible anymore.

Kaoru laughed softly, shifting until he was close enough to Omi to scramble over his lap, settling there and then pushing his unresisting lover back onto the bed. The grin that appeared on his face was just the slightest bit frightening. "I like it rough."

nakajima/kaoru, #2, fic, omi/kaoru

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