Apr 27, 2006 20:11
we had our actrivity day like every month on a thirsday. o_o; it was kinda nice. me n my friend Toan got into a really interesting conversation. getting into collage n getting married. WOW! X_x;... i never thought id be able to talk to a guy about that kind of stuff, but it happend lmao?.. O_o;... also durring the activity period i asked Rayv' aka Michelle if she knew how to french braid, she said no but she tried anyways. o.o... she did a sloppy job, but when she was dont the bell rang n she wassnt even half way dont, i told her to forget it n let just go, we gonna get all late n shutff. yah.
Amanda brised herself like crazy while she was in gym class, her boiyfriend Charlie ended up having an "egg" on his head, its really a small bump but he called it a "Egg" for some odd reason. weird much.
Terrence scared the ghost outta me agein. speaking of scared, iv been REALLLLLY jumpy lately. dunno vhy to be honast. i just get scared easily now. har. my friends are like "DAMMIT QUIT BEING A SCARDY CAT!" *pouts* cant help it, its just subcontiously happends. ;\
studyhall was fun. i had a compitition with terrence on who can catch the spinning quarter first! =D (it was bordom dont ask)
IM SO HUNGRY! my stomachs growling like a mofo.... <---- dunno why i say that alot now o_o;... mom went to jersey city to visit my aunty in the hosptial. we just called mom n she said she bringing home food, n im hungry. anything will taste good to me if i eat something. that reminds me, i had 6 banana's today cuz mai mom brought the wrong type of cereal. its cookie crisp and they get SOGGY really easy. *shivers* ewww...
mai i-pods gay
O_______________________o;............. my room smells like powderd doughnuts agein. man thats to bizzare i need to figure out whats making my room smell like powdered dougnuts. my room smells like my room not powdered dougnuts. *sighs*
okies im dont ramvling about stuff now! laters!