Oct 30, 2004 21:02
... i dont know why but i feel like crying any min now. im feeling like shit. x.x;... all i want to say is that... ever since you left, iv changed...
my dad came ion just now and scared me sencless... he he talked and i jumped with fear, i told my dad to knock b-4 he comes in, and he laughed at me. x.x;... how nice... then and right their i was about to break down. but i got a hold of myself. o.o!
Sephy came over, went to the musjid(Church) and ate thier to break fast. even though i didnt fast at all. o.o;... no one woke up thismorning. so yeah.
x.x!!! i LOST feeling in my arm today. it was all pale, and when i moved it it moved by itself. i was like wOOt! xD..? so yeah... so i let my blood get back in circulation then went back to sleep. o.o;... it sucked to.
forget that note if you have read that. thats for someone who im preety close to. it mightr be obvious to ppl i know already and they know me very well... and sont ask me please... thnx.. =)
i gotta head ach. it hurts alot. sucks... so yeah. blah?...
my cousin Asim Bahi and my Bhabis coming over. o.o! but they gonna come over late. o.o! im gonna kick some booty with Asim bahi! heh heh heh!?... so yeah. im gonna have loads of fun. n.n!
not much is going on. today i wassnt on MSN all day. or night. o.o;...
Hiba thought (my niece) that we niot close anymore. like we used to be, x.x;... thats cuz we had a fight. and shez upset about that fact that i wont tell her my problems and stuff. she wont tell me her prioblems. x.x;... its a long ass story. not just that, if i try to tell you ppl. id confuse you. XD?... im not good at ex plaining things. so yeah. o.x;;......
imma about to go eat some chicken soup now. LATER!!!!