I've been slacking on my reading lately, partly because said reading wasn't gripping me, partly because I've been watching TV and scrolling Yuletide-related posts instead, but I did finish one (1) book, and should post about the other media consumptions stuff, too, so :P
42. James S.A. Corey, Leviathan Wakes (The Expanse book 1) -- Huh. I've been
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That seems to be what I'm leaning towards as well, and, yeah, that's very unusual for me, since I'm much more of a reader than TV watcher. And it's exactly as you say, because the show does a really good job of running with the aspects I liked best (i.e. the worldbuilding)
'what happens when an idealistic person gets dragged into a tense political minefield that's very messy and starts setting off everything', which...is interesting for moving the plot along? But then it's all like 'Holden, you're the one Good Person'
Yep. I find the first part of that neat, though not infinitely interesting -- like, I wouldn't want an entire series of Holden blundering about setting off mines with his idealism (excellent metaphor btw), but I have zero interest in "Holden you're the One Good Person" stuff, I find. That just doesn't feel like a realistic reaction to me, given the world that's set up. Or, like, it might be from a few damaged people looking for a martyr to follow, but not universally. That's Gary Stu territory, and it's boring.
But it was basically Miller realized the world was imperfect, and decided he'd rather be the one on top than bottom, which fits the whole noir thing better?
I don't think I've gotten to the flashback yet, but that would make sense. Regardless whether it's from character tweaks or just acting choices, show!Miller is working so much better for me than book!Miller! As in, I actually like him. That was a shock!
I think it's...s2ish, that they really get their own better defined character arcs?
Good to know when to expect it, thanks! I'm done with s1 -- post coming soon, hopefully -- and I'm definitely starting to see some things about show!Amos, though I don't have a feel yet for where what we're seeing is coming from. But Naomi is still kind of a cipher. Also, I fully expected the show to preserve the Holden/Naomi thing -- I mean, it's a woman + three dudes on the crew, obviously there had to be a romance (that could be resolved in a way that Miller/hallucinations of Julie could not be) -- so I'm expecting it to show up, and earlier, and take up more screen time -- but *sigh* at the necessity of that. I'm hoping Naomi gets some actual arc or something before the Holden thing, at least...
I wasn't sure if it'd just be the same King T'Challa in space,
I think that's what I'd been subconsciously expecting, and then it turned out to be a different character, recognizably T'Challa but so lighthearted and charming -- such a delight!
Yes! I loved Killmonger basically calling out Tony for his privilege (which any version of Tony seems to have lots of XD)
Yeah! I feel like it's very true to both characters in a way that doesn't, like, demonize Tony for his privilege while acknowledging what a huge blindspot it nevertheless is and thus means that even when he goes in with the best intentions, he is not being as helpful as he thinks he's being. And Killmonger is such an interesting antagonist (when used correctly), because he is not wrong when it comes to many core beliefs of his -- it's just that he then seems to invariably leap to "so I will usurp the throne of Wakanda" and "so I will hijack an army of killer robots with backdoor access" as the "so what am I going to do about these inustices that I correctly perceive?" part of the proceedings. Basically, that 20 minute episode did such a great job of showcasing both the strengths and the flaws of two really complex characters that I'd not considered in juxtaposition to each other before -- such a good job!
Here, I'm an android which has managed to wipe out a universe, transcend to the multiverse with reality warping powers, and [...] it's down to the good fist fight?
An android who has managed to transcend to the multiverse, facing a multiversal being of unimaginable power and omniscience, who's been around for all eternity or something -- but we better start punching each other. POW! SPLAT! POW! (I mean, I know, comics. But my suspension of disbelief apparently has limits even for comic book things. :P)
I remember it gets a little better once things start getting way, way complicated? Mostly cause the cast expands a lot with each season, and the Roci crew each gets more separate arcs, though I think at one point someone explicitly tells Holden not to go into an already messy situation, cause he'll just make it worse XD
I'm hoping Naomi gets some actual arc or something before the Holden thing, at least...
I think she does get her own arc before they're all official couple type? It's been a while, but her and Holden are mostly on/off till about s4, so she does get some time to her own self between then!
but we better start punching each other. POW! SPLAT! POW! (I mean, I know, comics. But my suspension of disbelief apparently has limits even for comic book things. :P)
Right? Good old fistcuffs, LOL. I guess at some point, they figured they had to save some of the animation budget for all the flashy lasers and explosions for the finale when it's all glowy smash boom XD
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