Space Princes, go! (aka Winter's Orbit sync read)

Feb 04, 2021 21:54

Being the sync read -- on Dreamwidth -- for Everina Maxwell's debut novel Winter's Orbit (aka the profic version of The Course of Honour), which
lunasariel and hopefully a few other folks (and I, obviously) are embarking on. (Join usssss.)

Based on the speed at which both K and I read the original fic, I'm thinking that this book will not lend itself well to a structured sync read, so have at it, you guys. Check in whenever you have something to say / can tear yourself away long enough to post a comment. From an organization perspective, just please state in the subject line from what point in the book you're making your comment, so everyone can manage their exposure to spoilers. (We have some folks reading in hard copy and some folks reading in ebook, so pleae list chapter and page number and/or chapter and %.)

If you're reading along with us real time, you may want to set up tracking for this post to be notified as people make new comments.

I will make a questions/housekeeping thread in case one proves necessary for whatever reason, like if new folks want to join in along the way and have logistics questions.

(Are there folks interested in joining in who don't use DW? You can definitely participate on via OpenID, but if there's interest, I can mirror my comments on LJ as I make them -- let me know!)
This entry was originally posted at Comment wherever you prefer (I prefer LJ).

sync read

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