Reading and watching roundup with Revenant Gun, Love Simon, The Good Place s2

Jun 21, 2018 01:14

51. Ursula Vernon, Giant Trouble (Hamster Princess 4) -- these are still super cute! In this one, Harriet takes on "Jack and the Beanstalk". The humour in this one, a lot of which had to do with the giant (a giant lop hare :D) having really stinky feet, but, OK, target audience. ( More, with mild spoilers, I guess? )

movie, a: philip pullman, gn, hexarchate, a: ann leckie, rivers of london, a: vera brosgol, short stories, the good place, reading, a: yoon ha lee, a: ursula vernon

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Also SPOILERS for The Good Place author_by_night June 21 2018, 14:29:56 UTC
People reading the comments, I spoil EVERYTHING. So. Scroll like a bat out of the Bad Place if you don't want to be spoiled!

- whoa, whoa whoa, you can't just montage-tease us with "This is your soulmate Tahani"! I wanna see THAT attempt. (There are five zillion fics written of it, aren't there? XP)

There probably are! I want to look them up, but I'm not sure if they'll just be smut or if it'll be a deeper look at how that would go down. (I want the deeper look, not PWP.)

Episode 3 -- Team Cockroach! :D I do like this development, because Michael is a lot of fun and having him work more closely with the four humans is great.


wow, I both found myself genuinely moved and laughing at Eleanor crying into a plunger after the family toothbrushes encounter.

I was the same!

Episode 8 ("Leap to Faith") -- I really like this one. Parts of the roast were genuinely funny ("Grace, elegance, sophistication... but enough about your sister"), and I thought Michael's double-agenting was sufficiently subtle that I wasn't 100% sure whether he was helping Team Cockroach or not. But I did pick up on the Derek name "slip" during the roast, as well as the "this is exactly the place you should be" to Eleanor.

It was a good twist! I can't remember if I picked up on those hints? I don't think I noticed the former, but I think I did notice the latter.

And, oh wow, I didn't expect Michael to sacrifice himself! I mean, I did when they ended up one pin short, but I wouldn't have guessed him to be capable of it.

Honestly, for a second there I thought he was going to say Eleanor had to stay behind.

ha! I did wonder if "Bad Janet" was actually the Good Janet in disguise, and definitely happy to see that she was, although I do wonder how she learned to be "bad" so quickly after those pitiful beginnings.

I wondered myself! And yeah, I'm not really sure how she learned so quickly. Maybe she can imitate? So she can't say something bad out of her own volition, but if she's speaking AS Bad Janet exactly, she can do it? Maybe?

nd of course I went aww when Eleanor walked into Chidi's office to talk about moral philosophy just as he'd envisioned when they talked about meeting in a "normal" way.

... oh, wow. Another thing I didn't pick up on. You're right!

I do wonder if it was a simulation or for real, though. I think simulation. Especially given how easily things came to her. Just hopping on a plane? Also notice that each new scene has Eleanor opening her eyes. They'd also have to risk changing the course of human existence if they let Eleanor and the others live.

Although I DO have a theory that would work with either possibility. You know Eleanor's roommates? I'd always assumed they were out of her life by the time Eleanor died. They do seem to be something like friends. HORRIBLE friends, more like frenemies really, but... still. I imagine when Eleanor died, they must have been somewhat shaken by it (if still on a more selfish level). So what if originally, they started to try being better people, or at least one of them? But of course, with Eleanor being alive, they can go on being horrible. So that could come into play, if they'd both end up in the Bad Place. Then again, there aren't really any stakes there - I mean, they're her frenemies, not her sisters or anything.

The other thing I wondered about was the cousin's daughter Eleanor mentioned in season one, the one she used to take shopping. I would've thought Eleanor might try to be better by continuing to do that, unless said taking her shopping happened YEARS before and Eleanor wouldn't know how to even find her at this point. Especially as in the first or second episode of season one, Eleanor asks Chidi if he thinks anyone cared that she died, which... doesn't make it sound like she had anyone she was close to.


RE: Also SPOILERS for The Good Place author_by_night June 21 2018, 14:35:39 UTC
Re: Also SPOILERS for The Good Place hamsterwoman June 21 2018, 17:42:34 UTC
but I'm not sure if they'll just be smut or if it'll be a deeper look at how that would go down.

I haven't dipped into fic yet, but I do know a bunch was written for Yuletide, so I probably should, and I'll report back if I find anything deeper than PWP for the "Eleanar and Tahani are soulmates" attempt.

wow, I both found myself genuinely moved and laughing at Eleanor crying into a plunger after the family toothbrushes encounter.
I was the same!

It's really impressive that a show can manage to do that!

Maybe she can imitate? So she can't say something bad out of her own volition, but if she's speaking AS Bad Janet exactly, she can do it? Maybe?

Hmm! I could see it being easier for her to copy if she was a Bad Janet doing a specific Bad Janet job. So, maybe!

Another thing I didn't pick up on. You're right!

Heh, it helped that I binged those episodes within, like, 24 hours :P

Thank you for digging up the simulation vs not link! I had seen speculation, but not the definitive answer from the showrunners. I guess the alternate reality would work... but then, what? those people's actions would be used to determine where the from-the-original-reality foursome, who are dead, would go? But I guess we'll wait and see...

(I also wondered about Chidi's American accent, because I remembered the early thing about him speaking French, so I'm looking forward to that explanation as well.)

I was also surprised that Eleanor was still rooming with those frenemy girls (and that the Dress Bitch incident was actually so recent -- I got the sense that it was at least several years ago). And, huh, you're right about the cousin! I forgot about that entirely, and I guess the easiest explanation would be that the cousin's family moved away and they lost touch or something, but still, that's kind of sad...


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