Hugos, step 1!

Feb 05, 2018 23:42

Guys, guys, I'm so excited, I got my Hugo nominations ballot! (It's my first time doing Worldcon, or Hugos at all -- I'd never done a supporting membership before -- so this is all new and exciting to me and I want to Participate Fully in the Process and all that good stuff :P)

This is partly for my own records, partly so that you can remind me of / rec me stuff. Nominations deadline is March 16, so I don't have a whole lot of time to read/watch long new things, but I do want to shore up my nominations in a coupel of categories, especially if I can do it easily. So, rec me short stuff that's available online, ideally for free?

General references:
Goodreads list of eligible works
Wiki of eligible works (by category)

1. Raven Stratagem by Yoon Ha Lee (what I'm pretty sure I'll be voting for, too)
2. Provenance by Ann Leckie (not that it needs my help to be nominated)
3. Vallista by Steven Brust? -- I honestly didn't think it was one of the strongest entries, but I can't resist plugging it anyway...
4. Course of Honor by Avoliot? -- sooo... self-published work definitely counts and, according to the Hugo Awards FAQ, "WSFS rules do not concern themselves with the legal status of a work; it merely has to be a work of fiction", so it appearing on AO3 doesn't seem to preclude it from being eligible? (unless it was originally published fully before 2017, I guess...)
5. [tentatively held open for The Stone Sky, though I seriously doubt I'll get to it before March]

Best Novella:
1. All Systems Red by Martha Wells
2. The Furthest Station by Ben Aaronovitch (because I still love these books, dammit)
3. Penric's Fox by LMB (and/or possibly Mira's Last Dance and Prisoner of Limnos if I get around to reading them...)

some notable ones here on File770

Best Novelette:
I've got nothing... There are a couple of stories linked from the Wiki that I could read -- anyone have any opinions to offer?
- The Dark Birds by Ursula Vernon, which I will definitely read
- You Will Always Have Family: A Triptych
- Bourbon, Sugar, Grace
- Later, Let's Tear Up That Inner Sanctum
- The Revlution, Brought to You by Nike
- Neptune's Trident (long...)

Best Short Story:
I've read a couple here and there this year but nothing that feels Hugo-worthy. Rec me stuff available online?

So far my list has only this one story:
- Carnival Nine -- and it's not exactly revolutionary either, although I did enjoy it...

I do plan to check out the Max Gladstone short story and this Fran Wilde story, because I've been curious to check out her work.

Best Series:
Finally, a category that's easy for me! Has anybody heard whether last year's finalists are disqualified, btw? I'd love to nominate Rivers of London and the Craft again, but not if it wastes a slot...

1. Vlad Taltos by Steven Brust (courtesy of Vallista)
2. Ancillary-verse by Ann Leckie (courtesy of Provenance)
3. The Broken Earth by N.K.Jemisin (ourtesy of Stone Sky, as I feel comfortable nominating it just on the strength of the 1.3 books I've already read)
4. Penric by LMB -- it might just barely be long enough now? but close to the 240k minimum... though I could always go with the overall Five Gods universe...

File770 link

Best Related Work:
- I've got nothing... I think I'm probably sitting this one out...

Best Graphic Story:
- Anybody got a webcomic to rec?
I might go with one of the RoL comics titles if I don't have anything more profound/standalone...

Best Dramatic Presentation, Long Form:
- Guardians of the Galaxy
- The Last Jedi
- ETA: Logan
- I might watch Thor 3 and Blader Runner 2049 by then...

Best Dramatic Presentation, Short Form:
- Anybody got sci-fi-y songs or YouTube videos?
- I might try to figure out an episode of Killjoys to nominate...

Best Editor, Short Form: -- need to do a bunch of homework... I haven't read ANY anthologies this year

Best Editor, Long Form: -- ditto re: homework...

Best Pro Artist: -- browse Wiki

I'm not really interested in zines or fancasts

Best Fan Writer:
- Mike Glyer (File 770)
- link me to amazing things?

Best Fan Artist: -- link me to amazing things?

Best YA Novel:
1. In Other Lands by Sarah Rees Brennan (I think sufficiently expanded from "The Turn of the Story" to qualify...?)
2. Rebel by Rachel Manija Brown and Sherwood Smith
ETA: 3. Summer in Orcus. Ursula Vernon

I think the other genre YA novel I've read that is eligible is Not Your Villain, but while Bel's charm covers a multitude of sins, it doesn't actually make me forget about how terribly flawed this book is in a lot of fundamental ways XP

Campbell Award:
eligibility listing
I have never even heard of any of these people....

...but fortunately my flisters have heard of at least a few, thanks! :)

TL;DR -- rec me Hugo-eligible short stories, novelettes, short form videos, web comics, and fan writers/artists what can be found online, if you're so inclined :)

This entry was originally posted at Comment wherever you prefer (I prefer LJ).

plan to read, note to self, worldcon

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