It just hit me the other day that O is getting his braces put on THIS WEEK. We've stocked up on apple sauce and Odwalla juices and yogurt, and will buy ice cream and chocolate pudding as needed. Any last minute suggestions/words of warning? (I never wore braces myself, because i refused, and l had Invisalign, which come off for eating and so don't
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Thank you with the braces good luck vibes! I've been trying to impress on O how important it is to follow everything properly and so on. He seems to be motivated by the desire to not have them as a senior anymore, so maybe that'll help? (He is getting started a bit late -- almost a year later than L -- but he was super-slow to lose his teeth in general, and it was only towards the end that his teeth became visibly off, and till then I'd been hoping he might get away without braces at all. Of course, once the ortho took a look, he found a bunch of problems that hadn't been apparent from just looking at his smile...)
I'm approaching with trepidation the period where L doesn't have to wear the trays most of the time anymore, because I wonder if she'll wear the retainer at all. My friends my age who had braces never did, and their teeth definitely no longer look the way they did after the braces... :/
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