perpetual has this very cool 30 Day meme (which shall be known as "The Kairos 30 Day Meme"), which involves coming up with 1 to 30 favorite fannish things in 30 different categories -- X favorite actors, Y favorite books, Z favorite cartoons, etc. etc. Of course, I had to try my hand at it.
perpetual is keeping the full list a surprise, so I will, too, and I did
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I wonder if that's part of why we imprinted on him so well -- if the key is encountering his art when you're a little kid and more likely to be fascinated than disturbed by the crazy world inside his head...
(And, yeah, the museum is definitely worth a visit, so I hope you get to go next time you're in NorCal!)
Holiday headcanon -- Albus loves celebrating ALL the holidays. Not just the holidays he grew up celebrating in Wizarding Britain, but if he comes across a celebration in his travels, a carnival or a bonfire or a harvest dance or whatever, Muggle, Wizard, doesn't matter what it's commemorating -- if people are celebrating something, he wants to join in and learn their ways and gets entirely into the trappings of the holiday.
Cooking headcanon -- I see him as the kind of person whose head is too busy to handle complicated cooking, like: he'd put a pot on the stove with stuff to boil, then get caught up in reading/thinking about something and lose all track of time, until the water's completely boiled off and everything inside is charred. Fortunately, Fawkes acts as a kitchen timer/smoke detector, and at Hogwarts he doesn't have to cook at all, so it's a non-issue.
Sleeping headcanon -- I see Dumbledore as a person who needs very little sleep, and regularly wakes up at, like, 3 a.m. ready to face the day, and sits down and reads or does correspondance or research for a couple of hours before everybody else wakes up and he has to deal with 'real-world' duties.
Driving headcanon -- While Dumbledore is not nearly as fascinated by Muggle contraptions as Arthur, he's curious enough that he accepted a ride in the flying Ford Anglia when Arthur got it operational. He wouldn't do it for fun, and it's so inefficient compared to Apparation, but it was a curious experience.
Bathing/showering headcanon -- bath, and lots and lots of bubbles, because bubbles are fun!
Kissing headcanon
Sex headcanon -- as sad as it is, I do believe JKR's Word of God statement that the way things ended with Grindelwald has sort of messed up Dumbledore in this regard, made him feel like his judgement couldn't be trusted when it came to being in love, and the conseuences of another mistake were too awful, so he would be better off just forgetting about the whole thing. He is a Gryffindor after all, and they tend to default to absolutes...
Hugging headcanon
General physical contact headcanon -- Albus is pretty touchy-feely by inclination. He sort of held himself back as a younger man, but once he'd gotten old enough to not really care what people thought, he stopped holding himself in check and now pats people on the shoulder and gives them hugs whenever he feels like it.
I agree with your headcanons...tbh, as we got into the later books, which I didn't enjoy as much, I sort of retreated into headcanons and ignored some of JKR's Gospel statements. And while I've reread books 1-4, I haven't reread the others since they came out so I think headcanon has overtaken memories of what canon even was.
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