Killjoys + Snowflake Challenge, days 2-5

Jan 05, 2017 15:50

An assortment of fannish things!

1) fandom_stocking extended its deadline to Wed, 1/11. I am usually impatient to see all the goodies revealed, but this year I'm greatly relieved, because between the stockings going up pretty late, crazy work, holiday, and feeling sick, I haven't actually managed to do anything yet, beyond browse and take notes, ( Read more... )

fic rec, plan to read, snowflake challenge, firefly, killjoys, rivers of london, dresden files

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hamsterwoman January 6 2017, 17:08:14 UTC
because I got to see some parts of the former set on a summer camp-style field trip to the Bavaria studios in Munich. Am getting very nostalgic now. :)

Oh! I'd had no idea that it had been filmed in part in Bavaria! That sounds like a very cool field trip!

This movie invariably makes me feel nostalgic, too -- partly for proto-fandom (tropes! slashiness! (the xeno didn't stick, which is probably a good thing, but anyway)), and also it's tied to that period in my life just before we left the USSR, which felt rather unreal -- things were changing around us rapidly because of perestroika, and our own lives were changing, and also I knew we'd be leaving soon, so there was this sense of impermanence, like visiting in my own life. It made a lot of things more memorable, including movies.

If you are so interested in retellings of Tam Lin, have you ever read Fire & Hemlock by Diana Wynne Jones?

I have not! But I plan to, partly for DWJ reasons, partly for Tam Lin reasons, and partly for sephystabbity reasons. Actually, it should totally be on my "to try" list, so thatnks for the reminder. *adds*


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