Killjoys + Snowflake Challenge, days 2-5

Jan 05, 2017 15:50

An assortment of fannish things!

1) fandom_stocking extended its deadline to Wed, 1/11. I am usually impatient to see all the goodies revealed, but this year I'm greatly relieved, because between the stockings going up pretty late, crazy work, holiday, and feeling sick, I haven't actually managed to do anything yet, beyond browse and take notes, ( Read more... )

fic rec, plan to read, snowflake challenge, firefly, killjoys, rivers of london, dresden files

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hamsterwoman January 6 2017, 16:29:42 UTC
For Killjoys, I like the earlier, more episodic episodes, like 3 and 4 , but narratively the show definitely hits its stride around episode 7.

Oh, the second list is book series I'm already in the middle of and just need to catch up on to various degrees -- I've only read the first book of Imperial Radch (and actually OWN Mercy, I just need to track down Sword and read both); I just recently read Long Way etc. (did you see my write-up? It kind of went up at the height of holidays, not the best time probably); the first two books of Iskyrne and The Magicians; the first book of Elemental Logic; and have started Last First Snow (having caught up on the first three books last year) but sort of backburnered it because I haven't been in the mood for tragedy.

For The Magicians, I know fandom likes the show better than the book, and finds the characters much more likable, which is not a tall bar, admittedly. The thing I like best about the books, though, is Grossman's prose, and I'm definitely not going to get that from even a very good adaptation :P (I may check out the show at some point, though. In ten years, since Killjoys have probably fulfilled my "new TV" quota for the next decade, knowing me and TV :P

Oh, and I meant to say -- Iskyrne is an interesting world, but people I know who've read it primarily for the m/m have been mostly disappointed, I think. There is a fair lot of canonical m/m, but a) it's a show with a lot of canonical death, too, and b) some of the central relationships are messy and unrequited and otherwise complicated. There may be some sort of happy ending romantically that I haven't gotten to, in book 3. Also, there's a thing at the heart of the series (which you may or may not already know about) -- it was written to address "the green dragon problem" in McCaffrey's Pern -- and it, well, addresses it, in interesting but not pretty ways.


_profiterole_ January 6 2017, 16:39:58 UTC
I saw it, but you seemed to be... not very enthusiastic about it, and this book is my precious little ray of sunshine, so I didn't read more than what you had put outside the cut.

Good to know he at least has a good prose. I haven't dropped the show yet, but I might do that this season if need be. I just loved the trailer and the series premiere so much, it went downhill from there and I haven't managed to get over the lost potential yet.


hamsterwoman January 6 2017, 16:52:49 UTC
and this book is my precious little ray of sunshine, so I didn't read more than what you had put outside the cut.

Fair enough :) I'm actually rather bimodal about Long Way -- there was a lot in it that I liked and thought was really neatly done (with a few quibbles) -- the alien physiology and communication and most of the worldbuilding. And the things I disliked mostly had to do with -- lost potential, honestly, to use your phrase about The Magicians. (If you want to read just that part of the write-up, you can Ctr+F to "But let's get to the thing about this book I really liked" -- that'll skip everything that didn't work for me.)


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