Reading roundup: Lady Trent, Kings Rising, graphic novels

Feb 03, 2016 13:38

4. Smoke and Shadow, part 1 (AtLA comics) -- OK, this one actually sort of begins to redeem the Ursa storyline that so disappointed me in The Search. ( Spoilers! )

gn, a: marie brennan, atla, things that are k's fault, reading, a: c s pacat, a: brian vaughan

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ikel89 February 3 2016, 22:00:46 UTC
OMGGG XDDDD I will properly comment tmrw morning because it's 1am now, but I am so pleased that your review is much more sarcastic and funny than mine :DD I guess in my disappointment I got too serious, and it's so refreshing to just laugh at this:

Anyway, at this point Laurent co-ruling Akielos with him is, like, and act of humanitarian aid, because King Damianos *really* needs a power behind the throne, before he trades the kingdom for five magic beans or possibly a bowl of porrige, and while Nikandros tries his best, poor thing, that's really not gonna cut it.



hamsterwoman February 4 2016, 01:38:16 UTC
I am glad it is complementary to yours, since otherwise it would be pretty much identical, given our general level of agreement :DDD

(But yours is funny, too! I found your whole paragraph about Nikandros hilarious, for example, because LOL, TRUTH.


ikel89 February 4 2016, 06:17:30 UTC
and I quite liked how the "revelation" of it was handled between Damen and Laurent.
speaking of that, i’m glad this wasn’t a protracted revelation, because I’m not sure I’d have stomached TWO instances of postponed enlightenment in this book -_-

and every other word out of his mouth from that point on was "Damen". Or, more commonly, "Damen, NO", as is only right and proper... LMAOOO oh yes, very apt amendment. Like, I did notice he started saying the name a lot once they got to, ahem, first name basis (first base, second base, third base, first name base ^^) but now that you said it, it’s obvious how much of it was DAMEN NO :DD Also, I was thinking - in the waiting for cp3 time I mean - whether he’ll be calling him Damen or Damianos, so I guess we got answers to that ( ... )


hamsterwoman February 6 2016, 22:14:22 UTC
(first base, second base, third base, first name base ^^)

I kept forgetting where this bit was and not commenting on it, but it cannot go without a comment, and that comment is:



ikel89 February 4 2016, 06:17:56 UTC
lj said i had to split the comment, so here you go, pt 2 ( ... )


hamsterwoman February 4 2016, 19:58:40 UTC
i’m glad this wasn’t a protracted revelation, because I’m not sure I’d have stomached TWO instances of postponed enlightenment in this book -_-

Totally agreed. I was worried that would be drawn out too, a la the "local prince tries to reveal his identity" comics (which are awesome, of course) but was happy it was all taken care of in their first interaction.

Also, I was thinking - in the waiting for cp3 time I mean - whether he’ll be calling him Damen or Damianos, so I guess we got answers to that.

It seems that other people also only call him Damianos when they are being formal (other people being Nikandros), so Damen felt right for the intimacy already between them by the point Laurent starts actually addressing him directly with his name.

I mean, I’m glad Laurent gets to stab people physically as well as verbally, but I’m sorry for the lost narrative momentum there.Interesting re: the torture scene, because it didn't even cross my mind that he could be disabled by this (even long enough to prevent stabbings) because I was ( ... )


I had to split mine, too... hamsterwoman February 4 2016, 19:58:55 UTC
with all the WHAT DOES THE MILK SIGNIFY of the veretian politics,

I just wanted to say, there was at some point a line -- I don't even remember if it was in Laurent POV or Damen thinking about what/how Laurent is thinking -- where I stopped and thought to myself "BUT WHAT DOES THE MILK SIGNIFY" and laughed out loud for like a minute XD

and maybe Damen’s speech to introduce Paschal would have actually gone smoother, since we’d have not known it was an asspull.

I do think it's implied that Damen sort of somehow figured it out that Paschal had some actual information -- though presumably not WHAT actual information he had, since fratricide by proxy or any other kind of pratricide still seems to be beyond his ken. But, like, that would've been easier to swallow if he hadn't spent the whole book being oblivious to things that had been clear to readers since book 1. *sigh*

Speaking of public gifts, do you think Laurent was ba-thump/hearteyes at this whole engagement bracelet? :DD I think his roleplay side shoulda been pleased, lol ( ... )


Re: I had to split mine, too... ikel89 February 5 2016, 08:36:51 UTC
speaking of comics :D

because it didn't even cross my mind that he could be disabled by this (even long enough to prevent stabbings) because I was pretty sure he would get to kill somebody physically in the end
well, then, it just might be me and my forever griping about fiction handwaving damage/consequences/sloppy setups and resolutions (ie korra) :P

Possibly because that was the last time Damen was actually competent at something in the book, it feels like.
so much bitter yes to that GRRR. also he had to be told by Guiom why Laurent missed Charcy and was wounded? wow mega.

Like, what was the Regent doing in Ios BEFORE Laurent gave himself up to him to have a trial? (I mean, aside from the fundamental question of what he was doing in Ios, period.)Yup this is what I meant. There is sense of urgency, which seems to be primarily driven by the fact that they know Regent is dangerous - but no specifics? - so I bought the urgency, which means the whole public engagement with whips and best slave forever bracelets and displays of ( ... )


Re: I had to split mine, too... hamsterwoman February 6 2016, 01:50:18 UTC
forever griping about fiction handwaving damage/consequences/sloppy setups and resolutions (ie korra) :P

No, I think that's fair, but I think it's also something that this series in general shrugs off pretty easily. Like, I kept expecting Damen to have some more serious aftereffects of being flogged to literally within an inch of his life and later injuries than "oh, Paschal massaged some salve in and it was fine". Which I'm fine with in a romp, honestly.

Pretty much like unnecessary Laurent-in-Akielon-dress before he went to crossdress and later show up in pants anyway.

LOL but Laurent-in-a-chiton was vital fanservice! :P (I found that fairly cute, though -- you know, the literary equivalent of a character on a romcom walking into a wall when they see their date all dressed up for the prom or whatever.)

It was a lazy attempt at a setup in a lazy plot twist.


and there was zero mention of any personal attachment to Nikandros, he was just "one of his father's kyroi" and I was left with a firm impression he's some middle- ( ... )


Re: I had to split mine, too... ikel89 February 8 2016, 09:13:33 UTC
*nods* I agree that Damen's injuries were also hand-waved, but I think I was more ok with that because of the whole superhuman strength angle - to the extent where I was fully expecting him to pull the knife from his body and throw it as Kastor at the end :P Laurent seems more breakable (pardonning the unintentional facilitation of uke cliches) - we see him trautamized, bruised, god knows what, so it didn't seem unreasonable that he should be handicapped like this, too - after all , he makes it his specialty, this ability to come back from very disadvantageous positions.

the literary equivalent of a character on a romcom walking into a wall when they see their date all dressed up for the prom or whateverheh yeah, the narrative inevitability. But as far as execution goes, I thought bits like Laurent grumbling that it wasn't only wrists and ankles that offended his Veretian sensibilities, or - better even - that scene where Damen accidentally obeys an order that wasn't directed at him. All that AWKWARDDDDD comic faces come to mind :DD ( ... )


Re: I had to split mine, too... hamsterwoman February 8 2016, 16:48:59 UTC
Damen's injuries were also hand-waved, but I think I was more ok with that because of the whole superhuman strength angle - to the extent where I was fully expecting him to pull the knife from his body and throw it as Kastor at the end :P

Ahaha. But, yeah, you're right, he's shown to be physically superhuman in other respects, so bouncing back from stuff like that does feel more expected.

that scene where Damen accidentally obeys an order that wasn't directed at him. All that AWKWARDDDDD comic faces come to mind :DD (no, but I really thought that was a very neat episode :D)Oh, thank you for reminding me about it! I also loved the scene, and had it marked down, but of course my Kindle ate my notes. That episode does beg for illustration -- I hope some comes along! XD ( ... )


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