Communally Sourced Reading Bingo: sharing & bragging post

Jan 30, 2015 18:46

Sorry, another Communally Sourced Reading Bingo post (but this should be the last one, I think).

A question on the other post made me realize that a Communally Sourced bingo probably deserves a place where said community can share impressions of stuff they've read as a result and brag about bingos/blackouts. So, this is that place (only for those who want to participate in this aspect of it, of course).

To keep things somewhat organized (and this is why I'm doing it as a separate post and not another section of the Master Post, 'cos the comments there are already jungle-ly), I've started two threads in the comments, one for book impressions, one for bragging.

1) Feel free to drop a link here to your impressions/write-ups/reviews of books you've read for the bingo (reviews themselves can be on LJ/DW, Goodreads, whatever). You might want to use something like this format:

Book and author:
Bingo prompts it satisfies: (either just the one(s) you read it for, or all prompts it could work for, in case people want to browse that for additional recs)
Link to write-up:

2) Feel free to drop a note here when you've completed a bingo, or a blackout, and mention which card it's for. (I might do banners? Do people want banners? For anyone who completes a bingo/blackout, I mean, not as any sort of race for the finish line.)

This post is also linked from the Master Post, and accessible via the "csrb" tag.

Hope everyone who is doing it is having fun with the bingo so far! :D


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