Snowflake Challenge, day 13

Jan 13, 2015 00:01

In your own space, talk about a creator. Show us why you think they are amazing.

I had to ponder this for a while, and started thinking along the lines of, what creator is so good that I would read their fic without knowing the fandom? And the first thought was copperbadge, but everybody on LJ knows copperbadge anyway. There's actually one other author whose fic I've read without knowledge of the fandom, and once I started thinking about her, I realized that she was amazing in other ways, so, let me feature curtana:

She is ridiculously talented in waaay too many milieus.

Her fic is archived on shadow_truths and on AO3 as Nary. She wrote my favorite Jaime/Loras fic, Brothers-in-Arms, and a ton of ASOIAF fic in general of variously palatable pairings, which is invariably superb. I've also enjoyed her Firefly fic, and now some Raksura fic as well. (A lot of it is explicit.)

She used to make absolutely gorgeous iconsbycurtana. I especially adore her text-only icons, like these Buffy ones, ASOIAF icons, Discworld, and Vorkosigan. She also has great image and quote icons for B5 and LotR and Firefly and Futurama and Gaiman all kinds of things. I think I have more icons by her than any other one person. *edits post with one of my favorites*

She is also an impressive artist, which I got to see on Valyrian_forged. My favorite pieces are Quaithe and Sunset (nsfw, Renly/Loras). And, in non-ASOIAF pieces, this Discworld art is really cute.

And then she wrote The Tale of Brandon in alliterative verse (which I mentioned the other day; I keep bringing it up because I've *tried* alliterative verse, and it's bloody hard to do well). And (that's range!) the words of the A Very Gorey ASOIAF-bet (illustrated by Skyclearblue).

And came up with this brilliant stick figure contest entry, which I can't link to because it's in a locked comm, so I will reproduce it here:

snowflake challenge

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