I've read a little bit of urban fantasy by Tanya Huff -- the first one or two Blood Price books and I think one of the Keeper's books, and found both rather charming (I also liked the Quarters books, which are not urban fantasy of course) -- would definitely read more by her if I came across it.
And I've bee wanting to try some Mercy Thompson -- I've heard really good things about it -- but kept coming across later books in the series. Is this a series that would be OK to read out of order, or should I really try to start at the beginning?
I've read the Blood & Smoke books after Keeper's Chronicles and I found the Blood books a bit too dark-ish in comparison (well, maybe not dark exactly, but they lacked the fun). The Smoke books were more to my taste, but Keeper's Chronicles is my favourite series by her. I still need to read her heroic fantasy. Also, grrr at the TV show for degaying the Blood books. >_>
It's better to start at the beginning. Also, when I caught up, I read all the Mercy books first, and then all the Alpha and Omega books, and it worked because there weren't many Alpha and Omega books yet, but the two series are related so you can also follow the order of publication and alternate between the two series.
Ah that's good to know, thank you for the Mercy primer!
And I knew there was a Blood Price TV show, but I didn't realize they changed the series / de-gayed it... That's unfortunate.
The Quarters fantasy has magical worldbuilding I really love -- basically, control of the elements, but I like the way it's accomplished. And does some things I like with presenting equal gender roles (you get things like characters referred to as "the river pilot", "the captain" and a few lines later find out that the characters in question are female, that sort of thing) and a setting where homosexuality and bisexuality are normal, and even some poly (which I think isn't presented as any big shocker either, in societal terms). I've only read book 1 and book 4, and I've heard books 2-3 have some really weird stuff going on in them which may not be everyone's cup of tea, but I did like the first one a lot (and the fourth one enough to go back and read the first one, since that's the one I came across first).
You're welcome. I hope you'll enjoy the books as much as I do.
The TV series is called Blood Ties, there's no Tony in it, therefore Henry is only seen with ladies (with no mention of any interest in men). Also, Vicky is in a silly love triangle with Henry and Mike that leads absolutely nowhere, whereas she has sex with one or the other in the novel. I'm more interested in OT3 polyamory, but non-exclusivity is also polyamory, and I don't like that they erased that as well.
It definitely sounds like it's for me. I have a lot of series in mind right now and it's definitely on my to-read list.
I'm not sure I got to the Henry and Tony part in the books (looks like I only read the first one after all), but I did like that Vicky and Mike were non-exclusive and that there was no big deal made of it (I'm not a fan of human/vampire romances in general, so Vicky/Henry predictably left me cold).
I'm pretty sure (not 100%, though) that Tony is in all the books. In the first one, he lives in the streets and Vicky brings him to Henry when he needs to feed (after Henry is severely injured and feeding on her is not sufficient, iirc).
Well, Mike and Henry sure would have liked to be exclusive with Vicky, but between non-exclusiveness and nothing, they didn't want nothing. XD
Keeper's Chronicles by Tanya Huff is urban fantasy of the kinda parodic variety (it makes me think of Pratchett) with some f/f in the last book.
And I've bee wanting to try some Mercy Thompson -- I've heard really good things about it -- but kept coming across later books in the series. Is this a series that would be OK to read out of order, or should I really try to start at the beginning?
It's better to start at the beginning. Also, when I caught up, I read all the Mercy books first, and then all the Alpha and Omega books, and it worked because there weren't many Alpha and Omega books yet, but the two series are related so you can also follow the order of publication and alternate between the two series.
And I knew there was a Blood Price TV show, but I didn't realize they changed the series / de-gayed it... That's unfortunate.
The Quarters fantasy has magical worldbuilding I really love -- basically, control of the elements, but I like the way it's accomplished. And does some things I like with presenting equal gender roles (you get things like characters referred to as "the river pilot", "the captain" and a few lines later find out that the characters in question are female, that sort of thing) and a setting where homosexuality and bisexuality are normal, and even some poly (which I think isn't presented as any big shocker either, in societal terms). I've only read book 1 and book 4, and I've heard books 2-3 have some really weird stuff going on in them which may not be everyone's cup of tea, but I did like the first one a lot (and the fourth one enough to go back and read the first one, since that's the one I came across first).
The TV series is called Blood Ties, there's no Tony in it, therefore Henry is only seen with ladies (with no mention of any interest in men). Also, Vicky is in a silly love triangle with Henry and Mike that leads absolutely nowhere, whereas she has sex with one or the other in the novel. I'm more interested in OT3 polyamory, but non-exclusivity is also polyamory, and I don't like that they erased that as well.
It definitely sounds like it's for me. I have a lot of series in mind right now and it's definitely on my to-read list.
Well, Mike and Henry sure would have liked to be exclusive with Vicky, but between non-exclusiveness and nothing, they didn't want nothing. XD
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