So it turned out that what I really, really needed to relax was something at once creative and mechanical, like making icons. Which I haven't done in ages, and I've been feeling an acute lack of Rivers of London icons in my life, so.
(One of these days I may actually learn something about aesthetics, but that day is not today...)
A few notes so that I remember where all this came from myself: the background of the Nightingale icons is a macro of a silver-tipped cane; the Tiger Tank color in that one is from a WWII Panzer on display somewhere (I thought it would be greener, but, alas, that was as green as it got); the background of the Varvara ones are actual decorations from an actual major in the Nighthexen; the background of the "comparative thaumaturgy" one is Newton's notes; the "arboreal knowledge" background is a London plane leaf; the backgrounds of the "shallow not wrong" icons are macro shots of curly hair; the demon trap are obviously tengwar; the mass spec one is an actual mass spec chart (of some enzyme); the CERN one is a prettily lit shot of the hadron collider; the Met badge is off the cover of a book; and the high rise council estate didn't come with a name, and "tea and pathology" is just a random Victorian tea set, nothing more there.
And a meme, which tend to function along the same lines (transported from Tumblr, as per the current best practices):
Give me two characters who are or could be friends [crossovers, as ever, welcome!] and I will answer:
1.What’s it like when they eat together?
2.What’s it like when they cuddle?
3.How much do they show physical affection in public? in private?
4.Would they enjoy being roommates/housemates?
5.Have they ever shared a bed?
6.Do they share clothes?
7.If they’re not roommates/housemates, do they have each other’s keys?
8.Do they knock when visiting?
9.Who usually ends up on which side of hurt/comfort?
10.Do they encourage any of each other’s bad habits?
11.Do they use nicknames/endearments?
12.Do they compliment one another often?
13.What sort of presents do they get each other?
14.What happens when they disagree?
15.If they got lost together, would they enjoy it? Who would be more likely to be carrying a map?
16.If they went on a trip together, who would pack more stuff?
17.Do they know/get along with each other’s families?
18.If one were tired and couldn’t get to sleep, how would the other help?
19.If one were in pain, would the other know the best routine to make them feel better?
20.If one were grouchy or feeling down, how would the other cheer them up?