Return of the memes and poems

Apr 28, 2013 14:38

Oh hey, it's Terry Pratchett's birthday! (Tumblr has handily taken over the duties of informing me of important world events, now that LJ has gotten so quiet...) So, yeah, happy birthday to Sir Terry! In honor of the occasion, the Discworld meme goes first today:

Discworld: favorite actor and actress )

discworld, vorkosigan saga, dragaera, lowell, berkeley, geekery, work, fandom meme, project: greetings from the myriad, poem

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lunasariel April 29 2013, 01:13:02 UTC
(shut up, these are vital questions, OK)
Gorram straight! I face the challenge of only really being attracted to fictional dudes in the context of shipping them with someone else (and usually with another dude, which doesn't help), but I appreciate the seriousness of deciding on one's fictional spouse. Duv Galeni does sound just like your type, though - I wish you many happy fictional years together!

It's hard not to default to SHOPPING, because it's a moment that basically defined CMoA (but also, with Vorkosiverse subtelty, acknowledges more than just Cordelia's badassity, but also the human cost and the wonderful interpersonal relationships involved
Heh, this would definitely be in my top three so far, since I have Issues picking one singular favorite moment out of everything. Or I may have to sort them by character... But this was definitely one of Cordelia's finest moments! If/when there's ever a movie/miniseries adaption, can't wait to see the full glory of this onscreen.

I had great fun reading this batch of poems/songs! The last one made a nicely creepy counterpoint to the previous three wonderfully irreverent ones - special props to the last two lines of "Catalyst" (a nice, pithy way to round things off) and pretty much all of 42 (of which I'm sure Mr. Adams would approve).


hamsterwoman April 29 2013, 06:34:07 UTC
I wish you many happy fictional years together!

Haha, thank you! You are definitely invited to my fictional wedding :)

I don't typically react to favorite characters this way, but Galeni is that very rare combination of character I find fascinating with person I would actually enjoy spending time with if I knew him in real life, so :P

It was kind of interesting to reread the titrator poem and see that it was pretty creepy in its imagery. I didn't remember it as such -- mostly I remembered it as "ooh, neat machinery and pretty colors!" but there's actually a fair bit sinister there. Huh. And yay, I'm glad you had fun with these! :D


lunasariel April 30 2013, 06:53:27 UTC
You are definitely invited to my fictional wedding :)
Yay, thanks! Now to find the perfect fictional wedding present...

mostly I remembered it as "ooh, neat machinery and pretty colors!" but there's actually a fair bit sinister there.
It's a great mix of "I <3 science!" and "...and then it gained sentience and started eating people a la 50s sci-fi," lol.


hamsterwoman April 30 2013, 16:56:20 UTC
"...and then it gained sentience and started eating people a la 50s sci-fi,"

Mwahaha >:D It's the mollusk comparisons, isn't it. Nobody likes a sentient mollusk :P


lunasariel April 30 2013, 23:19:29 UTC
It's the mollusk comparisons, isn't it. Nobody likes a sentient mollusk :P
Quote of the day right here!


hamsterwoman April 30 2013, 23:55:14 UTC

*takes a bow*


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