Reading roundup

Nov 02, 2011 21:24

53. The Way of the Wizard, edited by John Joseph Adams -- pretty good collection. One of the things I was impressed by is the mix of famous and new-to-me names, the number of female authors in the anthology (just a little less than half), and the number of non-Caucasian names (still a distinct minority, but more than one normally sees). ( Individual stories with spoilers )

a: simon r. green, weetzie bat, kushiel, a: susanna clarke, a: marion zimmer bradley, a: libba bray, a: charlaine harris, leguin, a: orson scott card, a: lev grossman, a: cinda williams chima, a: ursula leguin, a: t.a.pratt, a: peter s. beagle, short stories, a: george r.r. martin, a: delia sherman, a: jacqueline carey, reading, a: francesca lia block, marla mason

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hamsterwoman November 3 2011, 23:16:59 UTC
Sidonie and Imriel cared enough about Delaunay to sort of name their kid after him.

Oh, right, that's true! (Though I still think it was mostly like naming your kid after a grandfather you never knew because he was important to your mom.)

It made me think of this book and pissed me off even more since I don't like the Moirin trilogy

LOL, this gives me a mental image that totally cracks me up XD

We get ants periodically in our house, especially once the weather starts getting rainy/cold as it is doing right now. I hadn't made the connection until you mentioned it, but in fact yesterday, just after I posted this, I think, there were some ants swarming on our counter around a bit of cooked chicken. My posting about the book must've summoned them XD

I don't hate the Moirin trilogy... I like Imriel's better, and I can see that the Phedre one is considerably better written, but it's worth a lot for me not to be reading the books through the haze of irritation with the narrator, so I tend to cut Moirin et al some slack. I do think Blessing is the best of the three, by virtue of having more Bao, less Jehane, and no bland, bland pseudo-India.


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