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hamsterwoman October 13 2010, 04:47:04 UTC
For me this book was a vindication as a person who adored Felix through all of the first three books

I can definitely see how it would be! I was waffling on Felix for the first three, and Corambis finally made me like him a lot, so I can only imagine how awesome it must have been for an already established Felix fan! :D

I think at one point there was a plan to write a children's series where Corbie and Gideon were best friends.

I would read the hell out of this! Like, instantaneously. Gideon was one of my favorite characters in the earlier books, and probably *the* favorite in Mirador, and Corbie quickly got into the top favorite characters in this one.

I like Nick in a weird, sideways sort of way, but only with Alan I think, not really on his own.

Yes, exactly!

I'm... trying to keep open-minded on the sequels. Like, it should be interesting to see Nick and Alan's relationship from an outside POV. But I have a sneaking suspicion that how much I enjoy them will depend on how close they are to the Nick and Alan Show :P

(Also, lol, synchronicity XD)


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