i was wrong

Apr 19, 2005 21:14

i was wrong about rollie's lump being a fatty tumor, it must be cancer. he has become very ill. for the last few days i have had to hold his water bottle above his head so he can drink from it. i've also had to stick food right next to him and hand feed him. he will not get up from where he has been sleeping. i finally moved him yesterday. when i sat him down he tried to walk and his leg was very swollen. he only walked a couple steps and he was dragging his foot behind him. today i went in and lifted him out and he has diarrihea (sp) all over the back of him. i am assuming he has wet tail. he did not look like this yesterday when i got him out. i called the vet and made an appointment. i'm going to decide based on what the vet says on whether or not i put him to sleep. rollie was originally a very fat hamster, lots of energy and very lovable. lately he just lays and does nothing, won't get up for any reason. he's very skinny and looks very unhealthy. i honestly thought he was died today. i moved the wheel he was laying in and he didn't even move alittle. the other thing that i've noticed is his eye is stuck closed. even if i wipe it with a cotton ball and luke warm water. he never opens his eye. i don't understand how such a little animal could become so sick. i have another hamster that is fine, he's not gotten sick. so i don't think it's how i care for them. i do all the things i'm suppose to do :( .

cancer, illness, lethargy and obesity, injuries and sores

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