(no subject)

Jul 14, 2010 10:03

i took Victor to the vets on Monday and they gave him some meds. he has made a large gash in the side of his face. how he got it i dont know. the vet thinks that he has been scratching at his eye and he seriously cut himself. he tooked a look at him and thinks it is a infection of some sorts. if he is not better by monday next week i am to bring him back in. he is still sleeping alot and looks rather sad. and doesnt want to run in his wheel all he does is sleep.but the wound on his face is healing up. they dont think it is his cheek sacks or anything it is possible that he has a bad tooth but he wants to rule out infection first. though i do have one concern....

i dont think he is drinking enough water i have a eye dropper the doctors gave me for this meds. should i use that and give him water through that cause i havent seen him drink from his water bottle


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