(no subject)

Sep 03, 2009 23:36

Do anyone else's hams not give a crap about tunnels and stuff? I've given Snake toilet paper rolls (which he didn't even so much as chew on) and my friend recently gave me some of his old hamster stuff so I chucked a bit of a plastic tube in his cage and he ignores that, too.

Is that weird? And does anyone have any ideas for stuff that Snake might actually be interested in? I kinda feel bad that his only entertainment is his wheel. Is there something I can buy/make to put treats in and make him work out how to get them? It seems like a good idea because he'll do anything for a pumpkin seed or a piece of milkbone. He's a very active hamster when he's awake and I worry that he gets bored just running.

Edit: I also want to buy some chinchilla sand. Sometimes I see Snake rolling around in his bedding when he's grooming so I wonder if he's a neat-freak and would enjoy a sand bath. Anyone got any ham + sand stories?

toys, behavior, cage accessories, chinchilla sand

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