mm! It took them a while to get used to the eyedropper. They still punch at it at first, but then they lick their hands and sort of go "oh delicious!" and start eating from it.
I've actually separated them :< I kept catching them fighting and it just kept getting more and more frequent. I wasn't sure if I should be taking any kind of fighting behavior seriously at this young, but I heard one of them squeak from the fighting and decided it was getting too rough to be any kind of safe.
Since the separation, the white one has been active as always, but the little brown guy hardly ever leaves his little burrow. I'm really concerned about him, as I think his activity has really dropped from the first day or so I've had him/her. I dunno if it's just because he/she doesn't have the sibling the crawl all over it and wake him/her up all the time, or maybe he/she's scared and stressed out? because of the fighting, their enclosure has changed three times in just a couple days (the original bin together, then we sectioned it off for one night until we could pick up a second bin, then the separate bins.) Whatever the case, I have to disturb his/her little sleep pile every time I want to give the kitten milk because I never see lil brown guy otherwise.
He's eating though! I can tell his food dish is emptying, so maybe he's just a little ninja.
They're still ignoring the water bottles. They were the smallest ones in the store and I'm sure they're meant for hamsters/gerbils, but they still seem giant for them. I'm tired of the water bowls, and I'm wondering if they'll figure it out if I take them out, but I don't want to risk them not being able to drink at all. The most interaction I've seen them have with them, is a couple days ago the brown one accidentally brushed up against the nozzle of his and shot across the bin.
Oh! and I can't get them to eat cheese :/ I've tried babybel and fresh mozzeralla (the kind that doesn't really taste like anything) and so far they've both just snubbed it. Is there any type of cheese that your guy's hamsters really like?