Hamsters with wet tail are generally lethargic with a loss of appetite and generally stop grooming. They have a very fluid diarrhea, and develop a wet, soiled, and matted area around the anus and tail. The diarrhea causes them to become dehydrated, so their eyes may appear dull and sunken. They may sit 'hunched up' and be irritable because of the abdominal discomfort. In serious cases, blood may be seen in the diarrhea or around the anus, and/or the rectum may protrude out of the anus because of the constant straining.
Wet tail is a very serious disease, and hamsters with the above symptoms should be examined by a veterinarian immediately."
if it's just his poops at this time then it might just be diarrhea? has he been eating too much fruits and veggies? iceberg lettuce?
naa, they can also get diarrhea from overeating things with lots of water in them. but yea still go to the vet. it's a very good sign he's still doing his normal things.
Nope. Diarrhea can also be caused by a change in diet, or by excessive watery foods (apples, celery, cucumber, watermelon, iceberg lettuce...) Since you're switching him over to a more appropriate diet, his stomach might just be a little upset at the change. With a Syrian, I'd definitely watch closely to make sure the diarrhea doesn't develop into wet tail though. A vet visit as a precaution would be a good idea.
This is going to seem like a stupid question, but what do I take him to the vet in? Could I just put him in a shoe box for the trip?
He's been super active tonight too. Is there something I should keep him in tonight other than his cage?
In the past week I've given him a couple carrot sticks and a grape in addition to the normal food. The grape was sunday, one carrot stick was monday and the second was wednesday. Is that too much?
they can chew though the shoe box if you're not careful. I say for tomorrow it should be fine. Try to pick up a plastic pet carrier at the pet shop tomorrow just incase you have to take him somewhere again :)
I'll be picking up quite a few things tomorrow at the store I guess. I REALLY need an algae eater and to go to the vet and probably a new cage and more bedding.
What are vet offices like? I've actually never had a pet before that needed to see a vet. All I've had are fish.
i've taken mine in a regular sized cardboard box [with lid with airholes poked in it]. i just put some bedding/food/their house in there. i brought the waterbottle along, but didn't put it in the box cos it would leak during the car ride. naa, his cage is fine. disrupting his settings may stress him. that sounds just fine. i still think it's the rat food, but the vet should know.
It probably is just the rat food. I know it's not healthy to feed them, but I didn't want to stress him way out by just changing everything all of a sudden. I got that advice from someone else in this community.
Hamsters with wet tail are generally lethargic with a loss of appetite and generally stop grooming. They have a very fluid diarrhea, and develop a wet, soiled, and matted area around the anus and tail. The diarrhea causes them to become dehydrated, so their eyes may appear dull and sunken. They may sit 'hunched up' and be irritable because of the abdominal discomfort. In serious cases, blood may be seen in the diarrhea or around the anus, and/or the rectum may protrude out of the anus because of the constant straining.
Wet tail is a very serious disease, and hamsters with the above symptoms should be examined by a veterinarian immediately."
if it's just his poops at this time then it might just be diarrhea? has he been eating too much fruits and veggies? iceberg lettuce?
He's still grooming and he's still eating. I wouldn't have even known that something was wrong if I hadn't put him in his ball. Poor guy.
He's been super active tonight too. Is there something I should keep him in tonight other than his cage?
In the past week I've given him a couple carrot sticks and a grape in addition to the normal food. The grape was sunday, one carrot stick was monday and the second was wednesday. Is that too much?
What are vet offices like? I've actually never had a pet before that needed to see a vet. All I've had are fish.
naa, his cage is fine. disrupting his settings may stress him.
that sounds just fine. i still think it's the rat food, but the vet should know.
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