Mar 28, 2008 03:30
Hi all,
I just joined this community and I wish it were for better reasons : ( I love hamsters. My first one, Hamtaro, was amazing- very friendly, would just sit in your hand and fall asleep, just all around wonderful. My second hammy, Alba, turned out to be the polar opposite and bites alot..even with constant attention and human contact (haha, very moody). Anyways, I noticed she was lethargic about a week ago and took her to the vet two days ago. Since she is generally awake when I am asleep, I hadn't noticed the extent of her illness. She has wet tail and a fairly severe case at that it seems. The vet sent me home with antibiotics, but said the prognosis wasn't good. I took her home, cleaned her up, gave her the meds, and tried to get some water in her. I've continued to do this since then and have been waking up/staying up with her to see how she is..sometimes better, sometimes worse. Right now, not so good. My question isn't really about treatment or her chance of I saw in the entries tagged "wet tail". I was actually just wondering what I can do to make her more comfortable/not in pain if this is the end? Or, am I doing everything possibly already?
Thanks for any input = ]
wet tail