Bean died today. I haven't really posted pictures of him in ages.
The end of May he had a stroke, but he was still active (although not as active as he used to be). He was still eating and drinking.
Then Thursday night he went downhill. He stopped eating, but I was able to get him to drink.
He died sometime between 11:30 and 1:45 today. I just wish I was here for him. I had to go into work and by the time I got home he was gone.
At least I was able to tell him that I loved him one last time before he passed on.
My mom and I were heart broken. Every time I look at his empty cage I get upset.
He was buried in the backyard with my other hamster. I made sure he had Cheerio's (his favorite food) and a Carrot Slim.
I made a video thing in his honor(Lj doesn't want to let me embed it):