On one of my hamster's backs I've always noticed that when he sits & cleans a little patch of fur is thinner than the rest. But today I noticed that the skin looks a bit dry & red.
His nails are a tiny bit long but surely if that's what's causing it he'd have red skin & fur loss in other areas as well.
Should I take him to the vet?
moved the fur a bit to show you the skin underneath;
Also, my other hamster has had a bit of a personality change. I've the hamsters for around 2 months I think. In the first 2 weeks he was fine & friendly then he started biting whenever I tried to pick him up out of the cage or whenever I put my hand in the cage (but when I had him out he never bit & was friendly). But now he's becoming so scared. When he's out & in his hamster run even if I just put my hand near him he'll run so fast. And in the cage he always hides & darts away from me :[
I can't think for the life of me what could have caused him to change. The other hamster doesn't seem to be bullying him & I'm not treating him any differently.
Has anyone else experienced this with one of their hamsters? Is it just a phase he'll grow out of?