(no subject)

Nov 27, 2004 21:08

DontWorryItsMilk (3:53:49 AM): so hey
DontWorryItsMilk (3:54:03 AM): do you ever hang out w/ kids you go to school with?
DontWorryItsMilk (4:02:34 AM): mr. scott, are you busy
Infernozz187 (4:05:22 AM): sorry, playing WoW, your msg tabbed me out during a follow some npc and rescue him shit
DontWorryItsMilk (4:05:36 AM): oh man that's shitty
DontWorryItsMilk (4:05:39 AM): you still playin?
Infernozz187 (4:05:55 AM): yeah haha
Infernozz187 (4:05:57 AM): i'm addicted ;x
DontWorryItsMilk (4:06:00 AM): or actively pursuing some no good evil doer?
DontWorryItsMilk (4:06:18 AM): what i really meant was are you too busy to converse w/ me
DontWorryItsMilk (4:06:50 AM): for some reason i decided to ask inferior questions
Infernozz187 (4:08:16 AM): haha
Infernozz187 (4:08:20 AM): sorta busy right now ;\
Infernozz187 (4:08:21 AM): sorry
DontWorryItsMilk (4:08:24 AM): it's cool
Infernozz187 (4:08:33 AM): i shouldn't have been a priest
Infernozz187 (4:08:40 AM): a class that i actually have to pay attention for
Infernozz187 (4:08:42 AM): well its sorta cool
Infernozz187 (4:08:46 AM): only class i know of that has pacify
Infernozz187 (4:08:49 AM): so i'm puller almost all the time
DontWorryItsMilk (4:08:53 AM): that's fun
Infernozz187 (4:09:02 AM): i always enjoy pulling
DontWorryItsMilk (4:09:05 AM): i was the priest on eqoa and pulled every single time
DontWorryItsMilk (4:09:07 AM): ya
Infernozz187 (4:09:10 AM): today was pulling with pacify and undead root on things that were non paci
DontWorryItsMilk (4:09:18 AM): i used to hate groupin w/ you sometimes cause you'd never let me pull
DontWorryItsMilk (4:09:27 AM): damned asshole xyfag omfg
Infernozz187 (4:10:48 AM): hah
DontWorryItsMilk (4:10:54 AM): if for some reason you decide to retire from the game w/o being in dire need of sleep, i always found your conversation to be stimulating
Infernozz187 (4:10:57 AM): you pulled like entire rooms
Infernozz187 (4:11:00 AM): in ldon
DontWorryItsMilk (4:11:08 AM): it worked in ldon $
Infernozz187 (4:12:02 AM): haha
DontWorryItsMilk (4:12:09 AM): i'm not used to talking to people in text any more, seems like the damn conversation is so jerky
DontWorryItsMilk (4:12:30 AM): it's alot harder to entertain you this way ;/
Infernozz187 (4:13:07 AM): haha
Infernozz187 (4:13:13 AM): i get bugged to go on teamspeak shit daily
Infernozz187 (4:13:16 AM): but i prefer text
DontWorryItsMilk (4:13:21 AM): twice already i've assumed that you grew tired of my conversation
DontWorryItsMilk (4:13:31 AM): and were no longer planning on continuing it
DontWorryItsMilk (4:13:57 AM): and both times i was shocked and amazed to find that, lo and behold, you're still speaking with me
DontWorryItsMilk (4:14:32 AM): so i suppose we could still have quite a good conversation, so long as i'm willing to wait on the replies
DontWorryItsMilk (4:14:56 AM): and the more shit i type, the more shit you have to read, and the longer it'll be till you say a damned word about any of it
Infernozz187 (4:15:16 AM): haha
Infernozz187 (4:15:42 AM): i keep healing once then alt tabbing out
Infernozz187 (4:15:51 AM): then tabbing back in, and realizing i'm at 20 % life from heal agro
DontWorryItsMilk (4:15:52 AM): it's almost stressful to try to force all my linguistics into my fingers
DontWorryItsMilk (4:17:33 AM): how's school been goin?
DontWorryItsMilk (4:17:44 AM): how's the weather?
Infernozz187 (4:17:44 AM): its decent
Infernozz187 (4:17:46 AM): i'm passing for sure
Infernozz187 (4:17:53 AM): hoping atleast 70 -80 % at a min
Infernozz187 (4:17:57 AM): weather isn't bad
DontWorryItsMilk (4:18:08 AM): ya man you should go ahead and finish up that high school bit
DontWorryItsMilk (4:18:11 AM): it'll come in handy
Infernozz187 (4:18:34 AM): after my 1 (and a half?) classes, i need like 70 hours of work experience for final 4 credits
DontWorryItsMilk (4:18:38 AM): you're way smart, all you gotta do is go heh
DontWorryItsMilk (4:19:09 AM): are you just supremely shy in person?
Infernozz187 (4:19:11 AM): i'm not that smart
Infernozz187 (4:19:15 AM): sorta
Infernozz187 (4:19:19 AM): i don't really even care to talk to some people
Infernozz187 (4:19:27 AM): sometimes i just stay quiet because i don't care to start a conversation
DontWorryItsMilk (4:19:54 AM): i just love to talk to people
DontWorryItsMilk (4:20:00 AM): they're all so damn interesting
DontWorryItsMilk (4:20:32 AM): just think on how many conversations you've had with me that resulted in giggles
DontWorryItsMilk (4:20:42 AM): i'm just some crazy white dude from the states
Infernozz187 (4:20:49 AM): haha
DontWorryItsMilk (4:21:22 AM): if it weren't for video games, you'd probably never have said a word to me
DontWorryItsMilk (4:21:32 AM): were we to have a chance meeting
Infernozz187 (4:22:14 AM): haha
Infernozz187 (4:22:24 AM): i'd remove the world probably from that
DontWorryItsMilk (4:22:48 AM): remove the world from our chance meeting?
DontWorryItsMilk (4:22:52 AM): i don't follow
DontWorryItsMilk (4:23:26 AM): but pray tell how do you go about removing the world anyhow
DontWorryItsMilk (4:23:42 AM): as in right beneath my very feet?
DontWorryItsMilk (4:24:41 AM): i should like set up games of hang man to play by myself while i wait for your responses
Infernozz187 (4:24:54 AM): word*
DontWorryItsMilk (4:25:22 AM): oh wow
DontWorryItsMilk (4:25:35 AM): that makes the sentence mean something completely different altogether
DontWorryItsMilk (4:25:58 AM): do you have any runnin buddies from school?
Infernozz187 (4:26:05 AM): nah
DontWorryItsMilk (4:26:06 AM): do you go out gallavanting and hooliganizing?
Infernozz187 (4:26:09 AM): my school is an alternative one too
Infernozz187 (4:26:13 AM): my class is like 8 people
DontWorryItsMilk (4:26:47 AM): so you just don't like people enough to go out and find any
DontWorryItsMilk (4:26:54 AM): that's acceptable
DontWorryItsMilk (4:27:41 AM): it's unfortunate that the people around you don't keep you satisfied
DontWorryItsMilk (4:28:41 AM): oh man
DontWorryItsMilk (4:28:56 AM): i've typed and untyped like 15 different things to tell you or ask you
DontWorryItsMilk (4:29:07 AM): and all of them weren't worthy of text
Infernozz187 (4:29:07 AM): lol
Infernozz187 (4:29:14 AM): my group just got owned
Infernozz187 (4:29:19 AM): we were trying to jump across a ledge you can't jump over
Infernozz187 (4:29:23 AM): and agro'd about 15 even con mobs
DontWorryItsMilk (4:29:30 AM): but had we been speakin in person, i'd have said them all
DontWorryItsMilk (4:29:38 AM): ew
DontWorryItsMilk (4:29:52 AM): how does death work?
Infernozz187 (4:30:10 AM): 0 penalty
Infernozz187 (4:30:11 AM): well
Infernozz187 (4:30:14 AM): your armor gets damaged
Infernozz187 (4:30:17 AM): and it cost money to repair it
DontWorryItsMilk (4:30:37 AM): i didn't like that from eqoa
Infernozz187 (4:30:43 AM): my robe just got broken
DontWorryItsMilk (4:30:46 AM): the cumulative upkeep on armor and weaponry
Infernozz187 (4:30:49 AM): from dying
DontWorryItsMilk (4:30:53 AM): haha
DontWorryItsMilk (4:30:55 AM): i imagine so
DontWorryItsMilk (4:31:19 AM): if the mighty bullman beast priest were to fall in battle, i'd think his robe wouldn't stand a chance
Infernozz187 (4:31:35 AM): i'm an undead ;\
Infernozz187 (4:31:44 AM): also
DontWorryItsMilk (4:31:48 AM): then why on earth would you need a robe
Infernozz187 (4:31:49 AM): how does a blacksmith repair my cloth armor
DontWorryItsMilk (4:31:59 AM): skeletons don't get cold
DontWorryItsMilk (4:33:03 AM): an undead priest doesn't make any sense to me, because i have a preconception of undead as unfeeling, unthinking creatures
DontWorryItsMilk (4:33:33 AM): undead wouldn't have any concerns about healing wounds, since they don't hurt
Infernozz187 (4:33:41 AM): haha
Infernozz187 (4:34:04 AM): http://members.cox.net/orio/pvp4.jpg
DontWorryItsMilk (4:34:21 AM): i've seen this picture before
DontWorryItsMilk (4:34:29 AM): and the first thing that came to mind was dither down
Infernozz187 (4:34:32 AM): haha
DontWorryItsMilk (4:35:02 AM): everyone at my house is asleep and i'm in no mood for it ;(
DontWorryItsMilk (4:35:22 AM): i have the urge to run over to my buddy on the couch and just start pummeling him
Infernozz187 (4:35:36 AM): haha
Infernozz187 (4:35:39 AM): that sounds like fun
DontWorryItsMilk (4:35:44 AM): doesn't it?
DontWorryItsMilk (4:35:54 AM): but i don't really wanna wake him up
DontWorryItsMilk (4:36:02 AM): i'd just like for someone to wake up haha
Infernozz187 (4:36:51 AM): lol
Infernozz187 (4:36:58 AM): wake him up without him knowing it was you
Infernozz187 (4:36:58 AM): somehow
DontWorryItsMilk (4:37:08 AM): well
DontWorryItsMilk (4:37:13 AM): we fuck around alot
DontWorryItsMilk (4:37:24 AM): and resort to fisticuffs as a means of entertainment
DontWorryItsMilk (4:37:38 AM): and no one else currently in the house finds those games entertaining
DontWorryItsMilk (4:37:50 AM): there's really no one else it could be
DontWorryItsMilk (4:38:19 AM): plus how do you hide and subdue in the same maneuver
DontWorryItsMilk (4:39:46 AM): do you exercise?
Infernozz187 (4:39:52 AM): not really
DontWorryItsMilk (4:40:36 AM): well that's no fun
DontWorryItsMilk (4:41:26 AM): my body rewards me so well for the exercise
DontWorryItsMilk (4:41:44 AM): adrenaline and endorphins by the gallons
Infernozz187 (4:41:45 AM): my back is like perma fucked
DontWorryItsMilk (4:41:56 AM): what happened?
Infernozz187 (4:42:45 AM): sitting at comp chair mainly i think
DontWorryItsMilk (4:43:05 AM): you should probably exercise then ;/
DontWorryItsMilk (4:43:35 AM): i have no idea what sorts of exercise you'd find entertaining though
DontWorryItsMilk (4:43:52 AM): i'm a competitor, i just like to beat people
DontWorryItsMilk (4:44:04 AM): i'll beat you at whatever you got np
DontWorryItsMilk (4:44:26 AM): or you'll beat me, but that's not really the mindset to be having in such competitions
DontWorryItsMilk (4:44:48 AM): it's called a defeatist attitude for a reason
DontWorryItsMilk (4:46:03 AM): would you be more entertained by exercising with someone or by yourself/
DontWorryItsMilk (4:46:50 AM): i don't like to work out by myself, but i'm not very fond of being by myself at all
Infernozz187 (4:47:00 AM): nah
Infernozz187 (4:47:02 AM): i prefer to do it on my own
DontWorryItsMilk (4:47:11 AM): which would go a long way to explain why i'm bothering you so
DontWorryItsMilk (4:47:29 AM): imagine if i was writing all this shit down on paper
DontWorryItsMilk (4:47:46 AM): i'd have a forearm cramp of agony and defeat
Infernozz187 (4:48:13 AM): haha
DontWorryItsMilk (4:48:52 AM): it seems like i do most of the talking all the time
DontWorryItsMilk (4:49:12 AM): so it's very fortunate indeed that i'm not taking dictation
DontWorryItsMilk (4:49:35 AM): otherwise i'd very quickly cease to be witty and clever and become incredibly abrupt and concise
DontWorryItsMilk (4:49:59 AM): and this conversation wouldn't have happened
Infernozz187 (4:50:21 AM): i'm playing wow while talking or i'd be alot more talkative ;\
DontWorryItsMilk (4:50:26 AM): because i dislike the act of writing enough that it's not even worth sayin hi to my good buddy scott
Infernozz187 (4:50:32 AM): if i had a 2nd comp it'd be alot easier
Infernozz187 (4:50:37 AM): but having to alt tab to check alot is lame
DontWorryItsMilk (4:51:11 AM): oh ya man far be it for me to pull you away from what you're doing
Infernozz187 (4:51:20 AM): its fine
DontWorryItsMilk (4:51:46 AM): i'd like to think that i'm more of the sideshow that pops in and out of your frontal lobes awareness every so many seconds
Infernozz187 (4:52:14 AM): haha
DontWorryItsMilk (4:52:21 AM): then i'm just a pleasant addition rather than a detraction from what you were previously taking part in
DontWorryItsMilk (4:52:37 AM): or currently taking part in, as it were
DontWorryItsMilk (4:53:06 AM): i try not to impede too much
DontWorryItsMilk (4:53:22 AM): but i'm such a loud obnoxious sonofabitch
Infernozz187 (4:53:39 AM): haha
Infernozz187 (4:53:43 AM): i enjoy talking to you
Infernozz187 (4:53:51 AM): even if we talk about basically nothing at all
DontWorryItsMilk (4:54:03 AM): simply existing in the environment in which i do, i tragically interfere w/ my peers all the time
DontWorryItsMilk (4:54:17 AM): it's not only a shame, but a disgrace
DontWorryItsMilk (4:54:42 AM): i'm disgusted with myself that i could be so pompous as to breathe up all these fine peoples' air
DontWorryItsMilk (4:55:18 AM): let alone bump into and poke and converse with and sit upon and all the other sorts of things i do to those around me
DontWorryItsMilk (4:55:27 AM): whatever have they done to deserve such a thing
Infernozz187 (4:55:33 AM): life is cruel
DontWorryItsMilk (4:55:40 AM): true
DontWorryItsMilk (4:56:10 AM): i suppose i'm the plague those unfortunate enough to come across are forced to deal with
DontWorryItsMilk (4:56:38 AM): a whirling dervish of silliness and joviality
DontWorryItsMilk (4:57:37 AM): do you have any sort of social outlet?
Infernozz187 (4:57:45 AM): not really
DontWorryItsMilk (4:57:52 AM): flirt with a checker at the grocery store or some such?
Infernozz187 (4:57:54 AM): unless you consider aim a social outlet
Infernozz187 (4:58:16 AM): i rarely flirt with anyone
Infernozz187 (4:58:22 AM): dunno, i just don't approach people, like ever
DontWorryItsMilk (4:58:29 AM): what's your sexual tendency?
Infernozz187 (4:58:48 AM): wtf
DontWorryItsMilk (4:58:57 AM): how should i know
DontWorryItsMilk (4:59:12 AM): i know you like girls at least a little
DontWorryItsMilk (4:59:16 AM): but that's all i got
DontWorryItsMilk (4:59:27 AM): you like girls enough to get caught up in one
DontWorryItsMilk (4:59:36 AM): however much that takes
Infernozz187 (4:59:42 AM): lol
DontWorryItsMilk (5:00:03 AM): you said you rarely flirt with anyone
DontWorryItsMilk (5:00:16 AM): as opposed to perhaps you rarely flirt with any girls
Infernozz187 (5:00:23 AM): oh
DontWorryItsMilk (5:00:44 AM): i'm pretty flirtacious by nature
DontWorryItsMilk (5:01:18 AM): having this much of a conversation w/ some dude who really doesn't have so much to say is pretty flirty
DontWorryItsMilk (5:02:19 AM): so how do you go about getting ladies if you don't do anything to meet them?
Infernozz187 (5:02:19 AM): i'm confused now
Infernozz187 (5:02:29 AM): i don't
DontWorryItsMilk (5:02:31 AM): confused on which topic
Infernozz187 (5:02:40 AM): DontWorryItsMilk (3:01:10 AM): having this much of a conversation w/ some dude who really doesn't have so much to say is pretty flirty
DontWorryItsMilk (5:02:46 AM): oh
DontWorryItsMilk (5:02:52 AM): ya it is
DontWorryItsMilk (5:03:10 AM): think of it like we were 2 gay guys
DontWorryItsMilk (5:03:15 AM): i'd be coming onto you
Infernozz187 (5:03:50 AM): haha
DontWorryItsMilk (5:03:51 AM): though in the current situation i'm not, due to our personal adherences to our personal codes and personal standards
DontWorryItsMilk (5:04:03 AM): even though i'd say the same shit either way
Infernozz187 (5:04:32 AM): i dunno why i don't really flirt with anyone
Infernozz187 (5:04:36 AM): partly out of shyness
Infernozz187 (5:04:45 AM): partly out of, i'm not really that interesting
DontWorryItsMilk (5:04:47 AM): oh man i just dig girls so much
Infernozz187 (5:04:50 AM): and i don't even know what to say
DontWorryItsMilk (5:04:56 AM): what do you need to know?
Infernozz187 (5:05:03 AM): i don't know
Infernozz187 (5:05:13 AM): i don't see much of a reason for people to like me
DontWorryItsMilk (5:05:15 AM): say hello, how are you, how's the weather, what did you have for lunch
DontWorryItsMilk (5:05:29 AM): and if none of those questions successfully rouse a conversation
Infernozz187 (5:05:36 AM): i'm home before noon, so "at lunch" wouldn't work
DontWorryItsMilk (5:05:40 AM): just start complimenting them on any positive point they have
DontWorryItsMilk (5:05:57 AM): people tend to talk more if you make them feel good about themselves
DontWorryItsMilk (5:06:31 AM): on occasion you'll encounter the shy person who is run into a corner by this though
DontWorryItsMilk (5:06:57 AM): and in those cases i really don't know what to do but be on about my merry way and apologize for the inconvenience
Infernozz187 (5:07:28 AM): what if you don't actually believe what you're saying
DontWorryItsMilk (5:07:32 AM): i don't see much of a reason for people to like me
DontWorryItsMilk (5:07:44 AM): you shouldn't really see too much good in yourself
DontWorryItsMilk (5:07:49 AM): it's called conceit
DontWorryItsMilk (5:08:13 AM): it's also a driving force in life
DontWorryItsMilk (5:08:46 AM): i need to be stronger or faster or smarter or whatever the fuck it is to be better than my pathetic excuse for whatever it is i'm concerned with doing so well
DontWorryItsMilk (5:09:22 AM): so a negative self image isn't necessarily a bad thing, but it's no reason to be a shut in
DontWorryItsMilk (5:09:43 AM): if it weren't for my negative self image i don't know what i'd do
DontWorryItsMilk (5:09:59 AM): i'd be completely different than myself, so i can't really relate
DontWorryItsMilk (5:10:35 AM): and i suppose it's fortunate that i'm unable to relate to these false personas of mine that don't actually exist
DontWorryItsMilk (5:10:41 AM): because then i'd be delusional
Infernozz187 (5:10:45 AM): hmm
DontWorryItsMilk (5:11:05 AM): what did you mean by the last thing you said
DontWorryItsMilk (5:11:19 AM): believe what i'm saying about what
DontWorryItsMilk (5:11:27 AM): i say all kinds of bullshit
DontWorryItsMilk (5:11:42 AM): but i'm a genuinely honest person
DontWorryItsMilk (5:12:19 AM): so if i say something, you can be fairly sure it's an accurate representation of my current feelings and/or position on the subject
DontWorryItsMilk (5:12:54 AM): jsut most of the things i talk about are trivial and inconsequential and petty
DontWorryItsMilk (5:13:01 AM): such as this conversation
Infernozz187 (5:13:04 AM): lol
Infernozz187 (5:13:13 AM): just was thinking
DontWorryItsMilk (5:13:24 AM): but if it weren't for that, we wouldn't be communicating at all
Infernozz187 (5:13:28 AM): although often i use that word (if you call it a word), as a way to hopefully start communication
Infernozz187 (5:13:34 AM): like when someone gets really quiet
Infernozz187 (5:13:37 AM): i sometimes say it
Infernozz187 (5:13:40 AM): then they start talking again
Infernozz187 (5:13:43 AM): its weird
DontWorryItsMilk (5:13:45 AM): which word?
DontWorryItsMilk (5:13:48 AM): hi?
DontWorryItsMilk (5:14:50 AM): or are you referring to the particular phrase
Infernozz187 (5:14:58 AM): hmm
DontWorryItsMilk (5:15:22 AM): you use "what if you don't..." as a way to start communication?
DontWorryItsMilk (5:15:48 AM): pardon my brevity but i had no desire to type all those words
DontWorryItsMilk (5:16:00 AM): even though i'm typing so many more just to explain this very scenario
DontWorryItsMilk (5:17:07 AM): but whatever you declare as the pronoun "it" on the third line of your last block of text
DontWorryItsMilk (5:17:11 AM): i'd like to know what that is
DontWorryItsMilk (5:17:55 AM): i can't believe i've been talking to you for an hour and a half
DontWorryItsMilk (5:18:30 AM): i don't see how you don't find yourself so interesting like i do
DontWorryItsMilk (5:19:11 AM): i've been incredibly entertained by you for the past 90 minutes and it required little to no effort on my part
DontWorryItsMilk (5:19:31 AM): and if it was strenuous on your part, i'd like you to know that i appreciate your struggles greatly
DontWorryItsMilk (5:21:14 AM): if it weren't for the hardworking people out there like you, i'd go completely insane from boredom
Infernozz187 (5:21:29 AM): haha
Infernozz187 (5:21:41 AM): hardworking?
Infernozz187 (5:21:46 AM): that wouldn't be me
DontWorryItsMilk (5:22:00 AM): oh i disagree
DontWorryItsMilk (5:22:17 AM): you have desire, drive, passion and compassion
DontWorryItsMilk (5:22:42 AM): you may just not have anything worth working for at this juncture in your life
DontWorryItsMilk (5:23:04 AM): but when you do i'm sure you'll be quite excellent at it
DontWorryItsMilk (5:23:11 AM): or at least you'll do your best
DontWorryItsMilk (5:24:21 AM): it just occurred to me that those 3 words when used in that context mean very nearly the same thing
DontWorryItsMilk (5:24:50 AM): so closely that indeed for the purposes of this conversation i could have just as well said desire thrice and been done with it
DontWorryItsMilk (5:25:21 AM): but that's not nearly as brilliant of a display of the artful use of the english language
Infernozz187 (5:25:34 AM): haha
DontWorryItsMilk (5:26:06 AM): i think the actual act of conversing is one of my favorite hobbies
DontWorryItsMilk (5:26:26 AM): it's something i continue to improve upon with each passing day and something i don't ever go a day without
DontWorryItsMilk (5:26:49 AM): conversing in english, that is
DontWorryItsMilk (5:27:23 AM): spanish is a delightfully simple and brilliant language, and i feel it would be a wonderful candidate for a worldwide common tongue
DontWorryItsMilk (5:27:39 AM): but english has so many intricacies
DontWorryItsMilk (5:27:51 AM): the wordplay is abundant
Infernozz187 (5:27:57 AM): english is the only decent language ;\
DontWorryItsMilk (5:28:07 AM): what do you mean by decent?
Infernozz187 (5:28:10 AM): back in grade 5 i got like 95+ % in french
Infernozz187 (5:28:19 AM): but then in grade 10 i had NO fucking clue on anything of it
Infernozz187 (5:28:26 AM): and was forced to drop it because i just didn't understand shit
DontWorryItsMilk (5:28:26 AM): oh i forget that there's lots of french goin on up there
Infernozz187 (5:28:33 AM): not really
Infernozz187 (5:28:40 AM): its just the #1 2nd language class
DontWorryItsMilk (5:28:43 AM): lots more than there is on this end of here
Infernozz187 (5:28:55 AM): and to enter university, you need a gr 11 2nd language for some reason
Infernozz187 (5:29:02 AM): but to enter college, you don't need any of that crap
DontWorryItsMilk (5:29:13 AM): what's the difference?
DontWorryItsMilk (5:29:22 AM): i think zynne's explained it to me once before
DontWorryItsMilk (5:29:41 AM): college and university are just names in america, there's so many of each everywhere
DontWorryItsMilk (5:30:32 AM): lamar university is considered a college, as are most state recognized post-secondary schools
DontWorryItsMilk (5:30:54 AM): it just happened to have been coined a university
DontWorryItsMilk (5:31:02 AM): and probably merely for aesthetics
DontWorryItsMilk (5:31:16 AM): lamar university looks and sounds better than lamar college
Infernozz187 (5:32:24 AM): on wednesday that was one of the questions on an assignment in school
Infernozz187 (5:32:25 AM): but i forget
Infernozz187 (5:32:48 AM): i think university has a bit higher requirements
Infernozz187 (5:32:53 AM): apparently you can start a course in college
Infernozz187 (5:32:58 AM): then after a year, transfer to university
Infernozz187 (5:33:02 AM): without meeting the language requirement
DontWorryItsMilk (5:34:31 AM): i feel like i must seem like such a pussy that i'm cold when it's 50 here
DontWorryItsMilk (5:34:41 AM): i'm freezin my ass off
Infernozz187 (5:36:16 AM): haha
Infernozz187 (5:36:22 AM): few days ago
Infernozz187 (5:36:25 AM): i was cold
Infernozz187 (5:36:31 AM): so i wrapped my really warm blanket around me at my comp
Infernozz187 (5:36:38 AM): then it got hot, so i opened my window
Infernozz187 (5:36:57 AM): had my shirt off too, doesn't that kinda defeat the purpose of using a blanket tho?
Infernozz187 (5:37:09 AM): when i probably could have just closed the window, worn a shirt, and been fine
DontWorryItsMilk (5:37:18 AM): oh i disagree on the shirt thing
DontWorryItsMilk (5:37:24 AM): i'm not really big on clothing
DontWorryItsMilk (5:37:46 AM): anything more than boxer type shorts and i'm unhappy with my current level of attire
Infernozz187 (5:38:15 AM): haha
Infernozz187 (5:38:23 AM): i haven't worn pants in over a year
Infernozz187 (5:38:26 AM): shorts >
DontWorryItsMilk (5:38:58 AM): for a moment i thought you meant you hadn't really left the house and thereby were required to be properly adorned
DontWorryItsMilk (5:39:09 AM): as in you just sat in your chair in your underwear for a year
Infernozz187 (5:39:26 AM): that sounds good
Infernozz187 (5:39:33 AM): tradeskills in WoW aren't too bad
DontWorryItsMilk (5:39:33 AM): oh heavens no
Infernozz187 (5:39:38 AM): i just made myself a shirt with tailoring
DontWorryItsMilk (5:39:50 AM): i wish i could make shirts in reality
Infernozz187 (5:40:12 AM): i'm a fashionable undead
DontWorryItsMilk (5:40:16 AM): with tailoring most likely, but if i could do it with blacksmithing i imagine it would be similarly entertaining and useful
DontWorryItsMilk (5:40:41 AM): just seems like a hammer and a forge aren't the greatest tools for cutting cloth
DontWorryItsMilk (5:40:55 AM): or sewing it together again, for that matter
DontWorryItsMilk (5:41:57 AM): you can get away with so many errors when you speak as opposed to when you are relying on text
DontWorryItsMilk (5:42:47 AM): and on top of that i don't think there's any way you could have any sort of accurate representation of me or what i say without talking to me
DontWorryItsMilk (5:43:13 AM): it's kind of upsetting that the companion you have in me is some intangible idea
DontWorryItsMilk (5:44:39 AM): if there were a way to directly relay my persona via text i'm sure the letters would constantly be moving and running about and changing colors and things of that nature
DontWorryItsMilk (5:44:48 AM): and generally make it incredibly hard to follow
DontWorryItsMilk (5:45:11 AM): though i tend to be hard to follow from time to time anyway
DontWorryItsMilk (5:46:23 AM): sometimes because i'm trying to convey something that either through my lack of mastery of the english language i am unable to express, or something the other person is too dull to comprehend, or i'm just mindlessly babbling and droning on without any point at all
DontWorryItsMilk (5:46:57 AM): the first 2 are frustrating
DontWorryItsMilk (5:47:03 AM): and the third is a way of life
DontWorryItsMilk (5:48:02 AM): but you're not a dull person, you seem highly capable of following my paths i've led you on with my meandering ramblings
Infernozz187 (5:48:42 AM): lol
DontWorryItsMilk (5:48:49 AM): so now all you need to do is master the english language and you'll be an incredible conversationalist
Infernozz187 (5:48:50 AM): i just setup my tradeskill shit to auto combine me 55 times
Infernozz187 (5:48:58 AM): and it takes 3 sec per
DontWorryItsMilk (5:48:59 AM): simple as that
DontWorryItsMilk (5:49:24 AM): so you have to wait for 2.5minutes before you can do anything else?
DontWorryItsMilk (5:49:58 AM): or perhaps you have 2.5minutes until you are inclined to further pursue your exploits in the fantastic realm of lordaeron
DontWorryItsMilk (5:50:17 AM): whichever suits your fancy
Infernozz187 (5:50:28 AM): can't do anything
Infernozz187 (5:50:32 AM): if you move it cancels it
DontWorryItsMilk (5:50:36 AM): or if you're in a particularly unselfish mood, my fancy
DontWorryItsMilk (5:51:10 AM): i don't actually like saying my fancy
DontWorryItsMilk (5:51:14 AM): "my fancy"
DontWorryItsMilk (5:51:19 AM): what the fuck was i thinking
Infernozz187 (5:51:28 AM): rofl
DontWorryItsMilk (5:51:53 AM): i don't mind assuming you have a fancy that may or may not be tickled
DontWorryItsMilk (5:52:18 AM): but when all of a sudden i turned the tables on myself and started pointing the accusing fancy finger my way
DontWorryItsMilk (5:52:33 AM): i was all of a sudden made incredibly uncomfortable by my own self
DontWorryItsMilk (5:54:17 AM): man i bet so much of my brilliance is lost due to the fact that not only are the words not read aloud, but they're not read aloud by yours truly
Infernozz187 (5:54:38 AM): haha
DontWorryItsMilk (5:54:46 AM): i have impeccable delivery as well, it's just such a damn shame
DontWorryItsMilk (5:55:25 AM): like if i could talk to people and they could type back to me
DontWorryItsMilk (5:55:29 AM): i think that'd be swell
DontWorryItsMilk (5:55:44 AM): i'd like to hear them laugh though
DontWorryItsMilk (5:56:20 AM): no amount of kekeke's can express my giggle of girlish glee
DontWorryItsMilk (5:56:49 AM): and the same for rofl's and guffaws, lol's and chuckles
DontWorryItsMilk (5:57:15 AM): what sort of laugh do you have?
DontWorryItsMilk (5:59:19 AM): i'd be very saddened to learn that you don't have any laugh at all ;(
Infernozz187 (6:00:03 AM): haha
Infernozz187 (6:00:06 AM): everyone laughs ;\
DontWorryItsMilk (6:00:41 AM): what type of laugh do you tend to endeavour upon
DontWorryItsMilk (6:02:29 AM): have you heard me speak before, by chance?
DontWorryItsMilk (6:03:23 AM): it's the 5 minute gaps in the conversation that hurt
DontWorryItsMilk (6:03:53 AM): makes me wish i had exclamation thought balloons to disperse in your immediate surroundings
Infernozz187 (6:04:11 AM): sorry ;\
Infernozz187 (6:04:19 AM): haven't heard you speak
Infernozz187 (6:04:28 AM): hardly heard anyone i've met through eq speak
Infernozz187 (6:04:36 AM): think 3-4 people
DontWorryItsMilk (6:04:49 AM): i used to be on teamspeak when jerryy and cooky and those dudes used it
Infernozz187 (6:04:50 AM): 4 yeah
DontWorryItsMilk (6:05:01 AM): dither, kuvili, escense?
DontWorryItsMilk (6:05:51 AM): i've met will in real life, and matty got arrested on the way
DontWorryItsMilk (6:06:17 AM): i've talked to some on the phone, others on teamspeak
Infernozz187 (6:08:08 AM): you got 1/3 of those right
Infernozz187 (6:08:11 AM): escense
Infernozz187 (6:08:12 AM): lukrathien
Infernozz187 (6:08:14 AM): if you remember him
DontWorryItsMilk (6:08:17 AM): ya wtf
Infernozz187 (6:08:28 AM): 2 people from torvo
DontWorryItsMilk (6:08:29 AM): i should've remembered you talkin to him
DontWorryItsMilk (6:08:40 AM): i recall it being said before
Infernozz187 (6:08:48 AM): one of them was like a day after i met someone in game
Infernozz187 (6:08:52 AM): she was all depressed and asked to call
Infernozz187 (6:08:55 AM): and she was crying and all that
Infernozz187 (6:08:59 AM): i forget about what
DontWorryItsMilk (6:09:01 AM): oh n
DontWorryItsMilk (6:09:02 AM): o
DontWorryItsMilk (6:09:06 AM): i hate crying girls
Infernozz187 (6:09:17 AM): i don't mind, as long as they aren't crying over something really bad
DontWorryItsMilk (6:09:17 AM): it's so horrible to cry ;(
DontWorryItsMilk (6:09:45 AM): i find the act of shedding tears and gibbering to be repulsive
DontWorryItsMilk (6:09:58 AM): crying people can't talk or see
Infernozz187 (6:10:03 AM): other person i talked to, i've talked to alot
DontWorryItsMilk (6:10:04 AM): it's like crippling yourself
Infernozz187 (6:10:11 AM): was just some person who had free long distance and she liked talking to me
Infernozz187 (6:10:14 AM): so we did like every night
DontWorryItsMilk (6:10:57 AM): i don't really enjoy telephone conversations
DontWorryItsMilk (6:11:08 AM): i like to be in person
Infernozz187 (6:11:22 AM): i enjoy talking on the phone
Infernozz187 (6:11:31 AM): think i talked to someone like 9 hours straight once
DontWorryItsMilk (6:11:39 AM): oh don't get me wrong
DontWorryItsMilk (6:11:46 AM): i've had many a phone call in my day
DontWorryItsMilk (6:12:01 AM): i just don't like talking on the phone if there's any way i could go see the person
Infernozz187 (6:12:02 AM): talked to her 9 hours the day before i met her irl haha
Infernozz187 (6:12:12 AM): someone gave her my ICQ number and we just talked a ton
DontWorryItsMilk (6:12:39 AM): do you talk to lots of people w/ messenger services?
Infernozz187 (6:12:50 AM): not really
DontWorryItsMilk (6:13:19 AM): so i imagine you don't talk to many people at all
DontWorryItsMilk (6:13:39 AM): such a squandered personality
DontWorryItsMilk (6:14:07 AM): though it's not like you could give it to someone less fortunate than yourself
DontWorryItsMilk (6:14:15 AM): would be the shit though
DontWorryItsMilk (6:14:53 AM): all the shallow people get caring personalities for christmas etc
Infernozz187 (6:15:32 AM): haha
Infernozz187 (6:15:36 AM): i don't care about much at all
Infernozz187 (6:15:44 AM): i don't see a purpose in life at all
DontWorryItsMilk (6:16:11 AM): well
DontWorryItsMilk (6:16:21 AM): there's fuckin and eatin
Infernozz187 (6:16:28 AM): speaking of eating
Infernozz187 (6:16:29 AM): i'm starving
Infernozz187 (6:16:32 AM): going to go heat up some pizza
DontWorryItsMilk (6:16:37 AM): npnp
DontWorryItsMilk (6:17:11 AM): if we were all to eat grass or other such non-animate matter
DontWorryItsMilk (6:17:28 AM): the animate matter would soon run out of non-animate matter to consume
Infernozz187 (6:17:37 AM): actually need to preheat oven first
Infernozz187 (6:17:39 AM): haha
DontWorryItsMilk (6:17:48 AM): so then comes the killings
DontWorryItsMilk (6:18:00 AM): because that motherfucker just ate my last blade of grass
DontWorryItsMilk (6:18:07 AM): i'm gonna beat him to death and eat him
DontWorryItsMilk (6:18:17 AM): see how he likes that
Infernozz187 (6:18:23 AM): what if we all couldn't eat, and we survived purely off of water
DontWorryItsMilk (6:18:29 AM): man i hate water
Infernozz187 (6:18:35 AM): i drank like 4 litres yesterday
DontWorryItsMilk (6:18:37 AM): i'd be quite upset
Infernozz187 (6:18:38 AM): probably around 3 today
DontWorryItsMilk (6:18:57 AM): that's quite a bit
Infernozz187 (6:19:04 AM): would shores start to become larger as the ocean slowly decreased?
DontWorryItsMilk (6:19:10 AM): no
Infernozz187 (6:19:18 AM): if all anyone ever did was drink water
DontWorryItsMilk (6:19:28 AM): the only difference would be the amount of water in bodies at any given time
Infernozz187 (6:19:33 AM): true
DontWorryItsMilk (6:19:42 AM): sense it's a cyclical process
DontWorryItsMilk (6:19:47 AM): since?
DontWorryItsMilk (6:19:51 AM): fuck that was bd
DontWorryItsMilk (6:19:53 AM): bad wtf
Infernozz187 (6:20:02 AM): haha
DontWorryItsMilk (6:20:05 AM): fingers are numb ;/
DontWorryItsMilk (6:20:24 AM): that's still no excuse for my malapropism ;(
Infernozz187 (6:20:42 AM): don't think i've heard that word
DontWorryItsMilk (6:20:48 AM): i'll be more than understanding if you no longer wish to speak with me because of my obvious lack of talent
Infernozz187 (6:21:02 AM): because you misspelled since?
Infernozz187 (6:21:09 AM): oh
DontWorryItsMilk (6:21:16 AM): Ludicrous misuse of a word, especially by confusion with one of similar sound.
Infernozz187 (6:21:21 AM): for some reason i had my window scrolled up a bit
Infernozz187 (6:21:25 AM): DontWorryItsMilk (4:20:39 AM): i'll be more than understanding if you no longer wish to speak with me
Infernozz187 (6:21:33 AM): and this is where that sentence ended
Infernozz187 (6:21:47 AM): and i basically just asked what you stated in the line below
Infernozz187 (6:22:02 AM): haha
Infernozz187 (6:22:10 AM): i looked that up as you were pasting it too
Infernozz187 (6:22:14 AM): i wonder where you got that definition from
DontWorryItsMilk (6:22:19 AM): i do tend to be a bit wordy ;(
DontWorryItsMilk (6:22:35 AM): it's one of my flaws as a conversationalist
Infernozz187 (6:22:40 AM): do you ever randomly use a thesaurus?
DontWorryItsMilk (6:22:53 AM): i find it wretched to reuse words in a conversation
Infernozz187 (6:22:59 AM): you seem to be bored with basic words
DontWorryItsMilk (6:23:15 AM): i just have a very precise thought to convey
DontWorryItsMilk (6:23:26 AM): and i'm quite excellent at saying precisely what i mean to say
Infernozz187 (6:23:31 AM): think my oven is heated up now, brb
DontWorryItsMilk (6:24:17 AM): the downfall is that most aren't quite as impressed with how incredibly versatile the english language is
DontWorryItsMilk (6:24:22 AM): as i am
DontWorryItsMilk (6:24:39 AM): and thusly, most have a much smaller vocabulary than myself ;/
DontWorryItsMilk (6:25:40 AM): i do tend to use colloquialisms a bit more than i'd care to, but they don't generally come out in text
DontWorryItsMilk (6:25:54 AM): there's really no reason for me to ever type "ain't"
DontWorryItsMilk (6:26:04 AM): but i use the word quite frequently
DontWorryItsMilk (6:27:39 AM): isn't it funny that i just said there's no reason for me to type it
DontWorryItsMilk (6:27:48 AM): but i immediately used it
DontWorryItsMilk (6:27:52 AM): in the same statement
DontWorryItsMilk (6:28:24 AM): i didn't even complete the thought without it's appearance
DontWorryItsMilk (6:29:23 AM): its* i think, but possessive pronouns are something that get lost in speech as well, so when i talk it doesn't matter where the fuck i pretend the apostrophes are
DontWorryItsMilk (6:29:42 AM): ````i```ts``
DontWorryItsMilk (6:29:52 AM): i'd still say itz
DontWorryItsMilk (6:31:20 AM): i'm unable to enunciate as well as i'd like to
DontWorryItsMilk (6:32:25 AM): besides the southern u.s. tendencies for drawls i also had to get the piece of tongue that attaches the fleshy part to your lower jaw clipped when i was little
DontWorryItsMilk (6:32:38 AM): it went all the way to the end of my tongue so i talked really funny
DontWorryItsMilk (6:33:24 AM): it's nothing most sane people would notice, but being the wordsmith that i am it tends to aggrivate me sometimes
DontWorryItsMilk (6:33:37 AM): it's pretty difficult for me to say intricacies sometimes
Infernozz187 (6:33:38 AM): haha
Infernozz187 (6:33:48 AM): i get annoyed when people misspell easy words
Infernozz187 (6:33:51 AM): or use the wrong form
Infernozz187 (6:33:56 AM): like "you're"
Infernozz187 (6:34:04 AM): the ammount of times i see that misspelled in a day is amazing
DontWorryItsMilk (6:34:05 AM): oh ya but that one is really simple
DontWorryItsMilk (6:34:16 AM): people really shouldn't fuck that one up
DontWorryItsMilk (6:34:24 AM): but again in speech it's lost
Infernozz187 (6:34:35 AM): i listened to the word "dwarves" get misspelled to dwarfs 10 times in under a minute, with 0 people spelling it correctly
DontWorryItsMilk (6:34:44 AM): homonyms are a beautiful part of the english language
Infernozz187 (6:34:45 AM): earlier today
DontWorryItsMilk (6:34:53 AM): they make puns a viable source of wit
DontWorryItsMilk (6:35:15 AM): oh well i always called them dorfs
DontWorryItsMilk (6:35:31 AM): which is also how i say the word
DontWorryItsMilk (6:36:19 AM): i was never overly fond of dwarves in games
DontWorryItsMilk (6:36:23 AM): but they kick ass in books
DontWorryItsMilk (6:36:45 AM): they drink and fight all the time
DontWorryItsMilk (6:36:54 AM): and hilarity ensues
Infernozz187 (6:37:15 AM): dither used to hate people who misused then and than
DontWorryItsMilk (6:37:23 AM): and then they go win wars by being incredibly stoic and strong and altruistic and generally dwarf-like
DontWorryItsMilk (6:38:05 AM): i pronounce those 2 differently, so i never had any issue w/ those
DontWorryItsMilk (6:38:15 AM): then and than don't sound the same when i say them
Infernozz187 (6:39:01 AM): i got 3rd place in a spelling bee in grade 5
DontWorryItsMilk (6:39:23 AM): i used to compete for the scholastic stuff
Infernozz187 (6:39:24 AM): i think the word wrench knocked out 4 people in a row, r-e-n... WRONG
Infernozz187 (6:39:29 AM): they all fucking spelled it the exact same
Infernozz187 (6:39:43 AM): lullaby was the word that knocked me out ;\
DontWorryItsMilk (6:39:43 AM): oh ya
Infernozz187 (6:39:48 AM): although 3rd place prize was the best one of them all
DontWorryItsMilk (6:40:01 AM): i was good at spelling mostly because i just had a huge vocabulary for my age
Infernozz187 (6:40:06 AM): 1st and 2nd were some cheap ass backpack and some dennis the menace movie, 3rd was a $20 gift certificate to anywhere in the mall
DontWorryItsMilk (6:40:09 AM): i can't remember not knowing how to read
DontWorryItsMilk (6:40:38 AM): yeah $20 owns a dennis the menace plus backpack combo
Infernozz187 (6:40:45 AM): it wasn't a combo
DontWorryItsMilk (6:40:51 AM): oh my
Infernozz187 (6:40:53 AM): it was singular prizes for 1st and 2nd, forget which orer
DontWorryItsMilk (6:40:56 AM): that's even worse
Infernozz187 (6:40:57 AM): order
DontWorryItsMilk (6:41:26 AM): do you have any aspirations to raise a family?
Infernozz187 (6:43:31 AM): dunno
Infernozz187 (6:43:49 AM): just thinking about what i spent the gift certificate on
DontWorryItsMilk (6:43:49 AM): that's not the right word
Infernozz187 (6:43:51 AM): lego
Infernozz187 (6:43:54 AM): those things owned
DontWorryItsMilk (6:44:02 AM): what does aspirations sound/look like
Infernozz187 (6:44:07 AM): lego was more of a solo activity
DontWorryItsMilk (6:44:11 AM): that means "big plans"
Infernozz187 (6:44:19 AM): so i don't have any plans yet
DontWorryItsMilk (6:44:48 AM): aspirate is like vomiting or coughing up mucous i think
DontWorryItsMilk (6:45:08 AM): but aspirations sounds like the right word when i say it out loud
DontWorryItsMilk (6:45:23 AM): i learned aspirate from primus songs
DontWorryItsMilk (6:45:49 AM): lots of songs have very good words due to rhyme scheme
DontWorryItsMilk (6:46:02 AM): selected based on number of syllables, alliteration, etc etc
DontWorryItsMilk (6:47:01 AM): songwriters are uncanny with their ability to say such deep, meaningful, perfectly explained points sometimes
DontWorryItsMilk (6:47:16 AM): while other times they write shit that pop musicians sing
Infernozz187 (6:47:22 AM): haha
DontWorryItsMilk (6:47:56 AM): so you don't have any clue on that word? ;/
DontWorryItsMilk (6:48:06 AM): man i wanna have a ton of kids
Infernozz187 (6:48:12 AM): haha
Infernozz187 (6:48:12 AM): why
DontWorryItsMilk (6:48:18 AM): at least 5 or 6 of those little bastards
Infernozz187 (6:48:36 AM): i barely take care of myself, i don't know if i could handle others
DontWorryItsMilk (6:48:39 AM): so i can love them and raise them and mold them into fine fucking/eating/killing machines
DontWorryItsMilk (6:49:18 AM): strongest and smartest
DontWorryItsMilk (6:49:37 AM): give them every head start on the general populous that i can
DontWorryItsMilk (6:49:46 AM): and just let them run
DontWorryItsMilk (6:50:37 AM): that's my only real goal
DontWorryItsMilk (6:50:45 AM): go have a family somewhere
DontWorryItsMilk (6:52:40 AM): at some juncture in my life it was either pointed out to me or i discovered after many hours of poring over my own thoughts (no idea which whatsoever) that we're all supposed to have some sort of ambition
DontWorryItsMilk (6:53:22 AM): and that's the only one i've ever found worth living for
DontWorryItsMilk (6:54:08 AM): that and trying to be the best motherfucker i can be, and trying not just to keep off people's toes, but make their lives a little better because i'm around
DontWorryItsMilk (6:54:54 AM): but that's not really an ambition so much as a mindset or moral code or what have you
DontWorryItsMilk (6:55:56 AM): are you religious?
Infernozz187 (6:56:07 AM): not at all
DontWorryItsMilk (6:56:11 AM): me neither
Infernozz187 (6:56:13 AM): i don't believe in any religion at all
DontWorryItsMilk (6:56:27 AM): i believe in them, it's obvious to me that they exist
DontWorryItsMilk (6:56:41 AM): i just don't buy into the actual deities
DontWorryItsMilk (6:57:14 AM): and most of the rites are completely ridiculous and founded upon nothing worth basing a way of life upon
Infernozz187 (6:57:26 AM): i think its all bullshit heh
Infernozz187 (6:57:36 AM): don't believe in anything that can't be like totally proven
DontWorryItsMilk (6:57:39 AM): see i said upon twice and i made a sour face as soon as i realized it
DontWorryItsMilk (6:57:45 AM): ya i'm agnostic
Infernozz187 (6:57:48 AM): me too
DontWorryItsMilk (6:57:58 AM): if god popped up out the woodwork and let me know what's up
DontWorryItsMilk (6:58:00 AM): i'd be all about it
DontWorryItsMilk (6:58:14 AM): but short of an epiphany or miracle i don't expect that to happen
Infernozz187 (6:58:18 AM): for sure
DontWorryItsMilk (6:58:42 AM): by the way
DontWorryItsMilk (6:59:08 AM): aspiration is actually a homonym
DontWorryItsMilk (6:59:52 AM): and it means either ambitions and big plans etc or to expel something from your body via the mouth and/or nose
DontWorryItsMilk (7:00:11 AM): and i was so worried i didn't know what i was talking about
DontWorryItsMilk (7:00:23 AM): i should've known better!
DontWorryItsMilk (7:00:55 AM): for someone such as myself to not know what i'm saying?! perish the thought
DontWorryItsMilk (7:01:15 AM): do you have any sort of major goals/
DontWorryItsMilk (7:01:29 AM): i think you're the same age as me right?
Infernozz187 (7:01:55 AM): probably younger
DontWorryItsMilk (7:02:21 AM): i'll be 21 in march
Infernozz187 (7:02:29 AM): 20 in feb
Infernozz187 (7:02:31 AM): so not too much of a diff
DontWorryItsMilk (7:02:53 AM): do you have any big plans around the bend?
Infernozz187 (7:02:59 AM): nothing
DontWorryItsMilk (7:03:25 AM): well i wish you luck in your pursuit of a purpose
DontWorryItsMilk (7:03:49 AM): though i must admit going about life aimlessly can be quite pleasing
Infernozz187 (7:04:02 AM): haha
DontWorryItsMilk (7:04:08 AM): it's what i did in high school and i had a wonderful time
DontWorryItsMilk (7:04:27 AM): i don't guess we really need a reason to live
DontWorryItsMilk (7:04:32 AM): other than we happen to be doing it
DontWorryItsMilk (7:04:34 AM): already
DontWorryItsMilk (7:05:14 AM): and i see no use in changing that when it's obviously going to affect other people
DontWorryItsMilk (7:05:42 AM): so i'll continue to keep trying to be alive for a few more years at least i hope
DontWorryItsMilk (7:07:05 AM): i suddenly ran out of shit to talk about ;(
DontWorryItsMilk (7:07:29 AM): after 2 and a half hours, you've finally got me to shut up
Infernozz187 (7:07:31 AM): i missuse the word effect and affect too much
Infernozz187 (7:07:32 AM): haha
DontWorryItsMilk (7:07:54 AM): the latter is a verb
DontWorryItsMilk (7:07:59 AM): and the former a noun
DontWorryItsMilk (7:08:32 AM): most of my spelling errors are due to erroneous typing
DontWorryItsMilk (7:08:45 AM): as opposed to flawed grammatical mechanics
Infernozz187 (7:09:09 AM): majority of mine are like that too
DontWorryItsMilk (7:09:10 AM): i have big clumsy fingers and they've all been broken so many times
Infernozz187 (7:09:20 AM): but you're probably way better with it than i am
DontWorryItsMilk (7:09:24 AM): so on occasion i just can't get them to cooperate
DontWorryItsMilk (7:09:43 AM): what sort of thing is that to say
DontWorryItsMilk (7:10:03 AM): it's not even so much of a compliment
DontWorryItsMilk (7:10:10 AM): just a negative remark about yourself
Infernozz187 (7:10:22 AM): haha
Infernozz187 (7:10:27 AM): i don't care ;\\
DontWorryItsMilk (7:10:33 AM): well i do
DontWorryItsMilk (7:10:41 AM): you sonofabitch you
Infernozz187 (7:10:56 AM): thats a more negative comment ;(
DontWorryItsMilk (7:11:01 AM): oh i don't type out curse words very often
DontWorryItsMilk (7:11:10 AM): but i cuss like a sailor
DontWorryItsMilk (7:11:14 AM): or worse perhaps
DontWorryItsMilk (7:11:43 AM): i've lived with a sailor and i had a far more foul mouth than he, though i'm sure you understand the expression nonetheless
DontWorryItsMilk (7:11:59 AM): sonofabitch is an endearing term sweetheart
DontWorryItsMilk (7:12:18 AM): but if i were to call you sweetheart you'd probably take offense
DontWorryItsMilk (7:12:40 AM): but you can be a sonofabitch any time and not risk a shred of masculinity
DontWorryItsMilk (7:13:16 AM): in fact some of the most manly men i know are indeed actual honest-to-goodness sons of bitches
DontWorryItsMilk (7:13:31 AM): but i didn't intend to insult you
DontWorryItsMilk (7:13:49 AM): that's probably a colloquialism too
DontWorryItsMilk (7:14:59 AM): sonofabitch seems like it should be an insult most of the time, so i can see how you would get offended if you aren't exposed to my (or most guys in this part of the world) constant stream of vulgarities
Infernozz187 (7:15:23 AM): haha
DontWorryItsMilk (7:15:39 AM): you never told me how you laugh
Infernozz187 (7:16:19 AM): what are the options
DontWorryItsMilk (7:16:37 AM): i'm between 75 and 76 inches tall and weigh nearly 200lbs and i giggle like a little girl
DontWorryItsMilk (7:16:51 AM): then there's a hearty guffaw
DontWorryItsMilk (7:16:55 AM): a belly laugh if you will
DontWorryItsMilk (7:17:03 AM): there's your average chuckle
DontWorryItsMilk (7:17:22 AM): there's the jack's "sick desperation in your laugh"
Infernozz187 (7:17:25 AM): average i guess
DontWorryItsMilk (7:17:47 AM): and the ever humourous giggle/snort combo
DontWorryItsMilk (7:18:15 AM): reminiscent of steve urkel, if you recall the show family matters
DontWorryItsMilk (7:18:55 AM): why on earth they'd show a television program about a black family living in chicago to you in your home in canada i don't know, nor why you'd be interested in watching it
DontWorryItsMilk (7:19:04 AM): but i bet you've probably seen it anyway
DontWorryItsMilk (7:20:43 AM): have you?
DontWorryItsMilk (7:21:16 AM): i'd be hard pressed to think of a better example of the giggle/snort if you haven't ;(
Infernozz187 (7:24:16 AM): haha
Infernozz187 (7:24:18 AM): i've heard it
DontWorryItsMilk (7:24:19 AM): as you seem to have disappeared, i'll leave you with this list of movies that i insist you watch at some point during your life if at all possible:
the big lebowski
fight club
lock stock and 2 smoking barrels
fear and loathing in las vegas
DontWorryItsMilk (7:24:35 AM): well you're back all of a sudden
Infernozz187 (7:24:41 AM): never seen any of those
DontWorryItsMilk (7:24:43 AM): i'm now three times the fool ;(
Infernozz187 (7:24:44 AM): was busy wiping to some quest in wow
Infernozz187 (7:24:53 AM): because kuv and vibrate both fucking crashed midquest
Infernozz187 (7:25:06 AM): they were talking so highly of a UI mod
Infernozz187 (7:25:11 AM): then it made them both crash 2 times in a row
DontWorryItsMilk (7:25:16 AM): $
Infernozz187 (7:25:18 AM): and i can't solo 5 yellow cons at once
DontWorryItsMilk (7:25:33 AM): "$" is the single most useful text tool
DontWorryItsMilk (7:25:37 AM): in my opinion
Infernozz187 (7:25:48 AM): ~
DontWorryItsMilk (7:25:52 AM): sense i cant' find a way to accurately convey the meaning behind it with words
DontWorryItsMilk (7:26:35 AM): see the ~ is like when you kinda shrug and say nyeh concerning the topic
DontWorryItsMilk (7:26:47 AM): or ~ can mean approximately, but that one's simple
DontWorryItsMilk (7:26:57 AM): damnit
DontWorryItsMilk (7:27:00 AM): i fucking said sense
DontWorryItsMilk (7:27:02 AM): again
DontWorryItsMilk (7:28:03 AM): you should really take note of the names of each of those films
DontWorryItsMilk (7:28:18 AM): and make it a point to see them at some point in your immediate future if at all possible
Infernozz187 (7:28:39 AM): haha
DontWorryItsMilk (7:28:41 AM): which since you apparently have access to the internet, is incredibly possible
DontWorryItsMilk (7:29:26 AM): those are my favorite movies
DontWorryItsMilk (7:29:30 AM): well some of them
DontWorryItsMilk (7:29:37 AM): and in no particular order
DontWorryItsMilk (7:29:52 AM): all top notch flicks that i think you'd enjoy
Infernozz187 (7:30:01 AM): haven't seen any at all ;\
DontWorryItsMilk (7:30:21 AM): you should start today!
DontWorryItsMilk (7:30:50 AM): ask your mom if she wants to watch a movie and then convince her it's a marvelous idea
Infernozz187 (7:30:54 AM): haha
Infernozz187 (7:30:57 AM): i could download them just as easy
Infernozz187 (7:30:59 AM): or even easier
DontWorryItsMilk (7:31:04 AM): ya
DontWorryItsMilk (7:31:05 AM): i know
DontWorryItsMilk (7:31:18 AM): but then you don't really end up watching the movie with your mom
DontWorryItsMilk (7:31:23 AM): or even talking to her at all
Infernozz187 (7:31:31 AM): lol
DontWorryItsMilk (7:31:45 AM): though i doubt they'd be very mom type movies
DontWorryItsMilk (7:31:55 AM): and if they were i wouldn't have recommended them to you
DontWorryItsMilk (7:32:02 AM): because you don't act like a mother
DontWorryItsMilk (7:32:12 AM): hrm
DontWorryItsMilk (7:32:16 AM): well maybe you have
DontWorryItsMilk (7:32:26 AM): but not in disposition
DontWorryItsMilk (7:33:05 AM): i very seriously doubt you'd be able to find an actual physical copy of chopper at a video store though ;(
DontWorryItsMilk (7:33:25 AM): i've only seen 3 vhs tapes of it ever and i convinced the lady at the video store to let me buy one
DontWorryItsMilk (7:33:40 AM): because one of the places had 2 copies
Infernozz187 (7:33:53 AM): haha
DontWorryItsMilk (7:34:13 AM): you should start downloading that one now actually
DontWorryItsMilk (7:34:56 AM): because if i had to pick one movie off that list in order to impress upon you that my taste in movies is in fact stupendous
DontWorryItsMilk (7:35:08 AM): that would be the one i told you to watch first
DontWorryItsMilk (7:35:23 AM): because i think you'd watch all the rest just because of that one
DontWorryItsMilk (7:36:28 AM): all of them are incredibly witty and well done, but chopper is just a movie about a thug in australia, and he's such the fuckin man like you can't understand
Infernozz187 (7:36:39 AM): $
DontWorryItsMilk (7:36:48 AM): eric bana plays him
DontWorryItsMilk (7:37:12 AM): was the leader of the spartan army in troy if you've seen that maybe
DontWorryItsMilk (7:37:23 AM): or the incredible hulk in the film of the same name
DontWorryItsMilk (7:37:47 AM): but ya really you should see that movie
DontWorryItsMilk (7:38:09 AM): it'll bring a whole new meaning to the phrase "it's a bit early in the morning for kung fu, isn't it jim?"
DontWorryItsMilk (7:38:55 AM): if i were a more intelligent fellow i'd have been watchign a movie this whole time
DontWorryItsMilk (7:39:00 AM): there's a tv right beside me
DontWorryItsMilk (7:39:20 AM): and i'm sitting on a small table when there's a big comfortable chair right next to me to
DontWorryItsMilk (7:39:34 AM): i'm not very observant ;/
DontWorryItsMilk (7:39:57 AM): that's not really the best word
DontWorryItsMilk (7:40:10 AM): i'm quite observant of things within my focus
DontWorryItsMilk (7:40:29 AM): like i pick up on the slightest things during conversations, and the way people move/act etc
DontWorryItsMilk (7:40:44 AM): but if i'm doing something, i really tune out everything else
DontWorryItsMilk (7:41:34 AM): often times i find myself in need of a realignment with reality just because i didn't notice what the shit is goin on around me
DontWorryItsMilk (7:42:42 AM): i fear my ability to entertain you may be reaching it's end
Infernozz187 (7:42:50 AM): i'm so tired haha
DontWorryItsMilk (7:43:06 AM): go to bed
DontWorryItsMilk (7:43:10 AM): don't stay up for my sake
DontWorryItsMilk (7:44:45 AM): i'm just glad i know i wasn't exclusively responsible for keeping you conscious the past 3hrs
DontWorryItsMilk (7:45:08 AM): i don't know how i'd live with myself if i cost you that much sleep for no reason
DontWorryItsMilk (7:45:20 AM): probably about the same as i live with myself most of the time
DontWorryItsMilk (7:45:26 AM): but slightly more sullen
Infernozz187 (7:45:51 AM): i'll be gone soon
DontWorryItsMilk (7:46:06 AM): the sun's been up for a while here
DontWorryItsMilk (7:46:34 AM): it's actually well into morning as opposed to dawn
DontWorryItsMilk (7:46:49 AM): so i guess i missed out on the sunrise thing
DontWorryItsMilk (7:47:01 AM): not like it won't be there tomorrow $
DontWorryItsMilk (7:50:31 AM): i think i'll put on a movie and try to pass out on the couch
Infernozz187 (7:50:41 AM): what movie
DontWorryItsMilk (7:50:44 AM): i had a splendid time talkin your ear off
DontWorryItsMilk (7:50:47 AM): probably chopper
DontWorryItsMilk (7:50:58 AM): it's 100% surely a movie on that list
Infernozz187 (7:51:03 AM): lol
Infernozz187 (7:51:04 AM): enjoy
Infernozz187 (7:51:06 AM): was nice talkin to ya
DontWorryItsMilk (7:51:32 AM): from now until we speak again
DontWorryItsMilk (7:51:37 AM): have a great time
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