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Comments 73

longaevus December 29 2011, 13:19:35 UTC
Helen Magnus

Wearing: Lady doesn't do colourful or glittery, but she does look nice
Going with: If you live with her expect to be dragged out (would you really make a lady attend on her own?)
Drinking: A glass of wine or two, perhaps something else if you hand it to her. Don't expect her drunk (unless that Dionysian wine is really that terrible...)
Smooching: Come to me, dears. Come plot :D
Dancing: If you ask the lady she will say yes
Gifting: I will comment to you :3 But whatever do you give a woman that has it all?


auntjenna December 29 2011, 16:49:26 UTC
/sits here for the smoochings? :3

also they need to at least see each other during all this. willow, too, if she ends up going |D


longaevus December 29 2011, 16:50:27 UTC
o-oh. so forward!

Helen will be talking to your ladies, oh yes :D And giving them gifts :3


auntjenna December 29 2011, 16:54:52 UTC

i still have to figure out if willow is actually going or not... someone needs to drag her in. but jenna is definitely looking forward to talking to helen again. she's grown attached already |D


freaks_myword December 29 2011, 14:25:53 UTC
Gwen Raiden

Wearing: A little Ralph Lauren for ya. Attach some looong arm gloves and she's good to go.
Going with: Stag, likely. Maybe? IDK.
Drinking: A glass or two of champagne or wine, and nothing more. You don't want this girl drunk at your party, unless you want a live lightning show.
Smooching: ='( I really need to glitch her to be smoochable.
Dancing: Aplenty. She'll be up for it, she loves many a handsome man, but she'll little wary and uncomfortable and probably standing a little ways apart. BUT it could make for an interesting scene, so let's plot.
Gifting. I have no idea. =(

IllyriaYeeeahh there's no way I can wrangle Illyria in my brain to attend this thing. Perhaps she'll stop by just to watch..for like a minute. But she'll be in her same clothes, no dancing, just STARING at you and walking among you and telling you how much you reek of alcohol. I CAN possibly get her to dress up as Fred, in an attempt to observe why humans gather in such celebrations and what they gain from it...but I don't wanna grasp at straws or ( ... )


buffy_slayer December 29 2011, 19:07:40 UTC
That dress is just gorgeous!


justaddmarbles December 31 2011, 00:13:10 UTC
Every single awkward attempt at conversation with Gwen.

Likewise if you can somehow wrangle Illyria, but if you can't no worries <3


Glitch justaddmarbles December 29 2011, 14:51:54 UTC
Instead of googling clothes forever I will cheat because I love it when the demented little elf actually wears Glitch-clothes. Yes the lining in the jacket is purple and here's a better look at the scarf.

Since he's co-hosting he's technically not "going with" anybody, but because he's fussy and old-fashioned and Does Things Properly he'll officially declare himself DG's escort. That said, he'll dance with everybody and anybody because he's a giant show-off.

The Dionysian wine will be gotten into, as he's been eyeing it for close to two annuals now. At some point in the evening folks will start getting cheerfully manhandled by an exuberant headcase who just loves everyone and can we dance more now please?

Presents I need to think of since we like JUST made up the gift thing yesterday, ahahaha >.>


tothelightshown December 30 2011, 21:07:55 UTC
Drusilla wants to dance even more than DG does.


justaddmarbles December 30 2011, 23:59:09 UTC
...please tell me DG's wearing something ridiculously Zooey-tacular :3


longaevus December 31 2011, 00:14:24 UTC
How strong is this wine? Aka can Helen actually get drunk?


goodluck_kobra December 29 2011, 15:47:51 UTC
mister mikey aka the kobra kid isn't really good at dressing or changing his clothes. so he'll appear in his usual pair of black, skinny jeans, a brown t-shirt with kittens on it, a grey hoodie and a grey coat.

example 1
example 2

he will gladly accept drinks of any kind and if you get him drunk enough he's up for dancing, smooching, and setting things on fire.

he's not good with presents, but it'll probably be some obscure, self-made stuff. or comic books. because everyone needs them in their life.


tothelightshown December 30 2011, 21:07:18 UTC
No setting DG's giant palace on fire!

They could dance, though?


justaddmarbles December 30 2011, 22:41:12 UTC
They've snuck the party to some random warehouse in Shelley to add to the lack-of-formality.

Not that he has permission to burn that down either :|


goodluck_kobra December 31 2011, 01:23:40 UTC
YES! that'd be sweet. and fun to watch, i imagine XD


auntjenna December 29 2011, 16:43:18 UTC
Willow may or may not go because the whole Christmas, New Years' thing is going to hit her really hard since... no Tara. If anyone wants to drag her out /looks at DG and Glitch/ feel free to tell me here and I'll work out what she'd be wearing! As for gifts... I am awful with those, but I will be coming up with things. She has a looot of CR, so if you've talked to her more than once or if that once was a very meaningful conversation, you're probably getting something, even if it's just a note of thanks for being her friend XD

If she DOES go, I am ALL up for smooches :3

JENNA will be going. Wearing a simple strapless wine-colored dress. Gifting: again, I suck at coming up with things, but she'll be giving something to just about everyone she's met. Helen gets tea and then something else, but definitely tea. x3 She IS available for dancing. And very willing for it! I am up for smooches though :3


rereremembered December 29 2011, 16:47:42 UTC
...Fitz and Jenna have matching outfits. JUST SAIYAN.


auntjenna December 29 2011, 16:48:36 UTC
ahahaha she will take this as a ~sign~ that they must dance XD


buffy_slayer December 29 2011, 19:09:59 UTC
Use it as an excuse to drag Ms. Buffy out. If you are in need of an excuse. :)


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