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Oct 10, 2011 00:19

Name- Tsumi

LJ- tseutsumi

Email address-

AIM/MSN/YIM (optional)- tseutsumi

Character, series- Amaimon the Earth King | Ao no Exorcist (anime)

Character journal- hamster_lord

Character type Minor Villain

Digimon partner- Goblimon > Ogremon > Gigasmon >

D-Comm colours/symbol- Dark green to match his hair with a yellow skull and cross bones.

Imported from another RP?- No

Character appearance-

Character age- Appears 17, real age unknown.

Character history- Not much is known about Amaimon before his appearance at True Cross Academy, Japanese Branch. It is known he is fairly old and goes by many other names and has even been worshiped as a god in some cultures. When Rin Okumura's powers became active, Amaimon was one of the few who didn't really care. He was not interested in Rin like Mephisto and Satan were. Though both had their own reasons while Amaimon, not really a schemer, did not. He was called to Japan by Mephisto to try and test Rin's power and see his demon form. Of course, Amaimon didn't go right after Rin at first. He used the infinity key his brother gave him to travel around Japan and explore it's culture since Mephisto loved it so much. After having his fun and bringing back a large amount of souvenirs, he gained an interest in playing with Rin when he and this class were sent to find a ghost in a closed down amusement park.

He waited until Rin was alone before he confronted him, though first he stole his sword. He played with it, examining the sword and it's affect on Rin first until he was able to understand how it worked. He fully unleashed Rin's flames once he had and wanted to play with him. He teased Rin into fighting him and Amaimon easily took the upper hand in their fight. Rin was beaten fairly soundly but their fight was interrupted when Shura exposed herself and Amaimon was forced to flee. He spent quite a bit of time after with Mephisto in his room, eating junk food, and playing video games while they waited for Amaimon's next chance to engage Rin again. The Earth King did want to play with Rin but the moment had to be right and soon it presented itself with the classes Training Camp week.

Amaimon waited until the first night to strike, first ordering a moth demon to implant a parasite inside Shiemi when she was out alone. He then waited until all of the students were at camp again to attack, bringing along Hobgoblins and his familiar Behemoth this time. Unfortunately, Shura had been ready for this and had put up a barrier that would send all demon's flying out of the camp should they not be in the circle when it was activated. Amaimon was expelled from the camp and grew displeased with Shura, stating he wanted to kill her. Mephisto forbid him from killing anyone and told him if he did he would rip him apart himself. Amaimon agreed he wouldn't and enacted his backup plan. Once the parasite in Shiemi took affect, he made her walk out of the camp and to him outside the circle. He took her and jumped away into the forest, using her as bait to lure Rin away from the others. And it worked. Rin came running after him and Amaimon tried to use the girl to rile him up. Which it did. He tired to marry her but once he had no more use for her he tried to take her eyes for his cousin. Rin was about to fight Amaimon when Bon, Shima, and Konekomaru showed up with flares. Konekomaru unfortunately released a flare and it went right for Amaimon and hit his hair spike. It poofed out and looked like Broccoli, making Shima laugh at him while Bon tried to hold in a snicker. He was not pleased with his at all. He quickly ran down towards the three and attacked Shima with a kick, sending him flying back into a tree. Konekomaru tried to protect Bon but his arm was broken with a single poke. He then moved to Bon and lifted him up with one hand around his neck. Bon began to talk at Rin while Amaimon held him which angered the demon more. Rin then drew his sword and challenged Amaimon in order to protect his friends but exposed himself in the process.

They're fight quickly proved to be one sided as Rin soon began to lose control of his demon side. The sword became damaged and the power of his flames increased to a point that Amaimon could not mount any real type of counter attack. He was smacked into trees and realized those flames were just like their fathers. Mephisto tried to whisk Amaimon away into a giant clock but Rin was able to slice it in half, which sent Amaimon flying. The demon landed on the ground and went running. He knew he couldn't win against Rin like this and he knew it. Though he quickly became upset about his loss. He would make another appearance at Mephisto's trial, on a rampage toward Rin. Angel and Shura were sent to take on Amaimon and Angel was sure Mephisto had planned this, though he said he had no idea what he was talking about. When they confronted Amaimon, they found him partially transformed and riding a much larger Behemoth than he was in the forest. Angel and Shuro managed to kill Behemoth, which sent Amaimon into a rage. He covered himself inside a giant stone titan and proceeded to defeat both Shura and Angel. He crashed into the courtroom and broke Rin free of his prison. He then felt Rin's heartbeat inside the Demon Slaying sword that his class had had repaired. He tried to destroy the sword but it was gotten to Rin by the teamwork of his brother and his friends. Rin awoke and easily dispatched Amaimon. The demon was burned, his human vessel destroyed and he was sent back to Gehenna.

This wouldn't be the last of him. He would come back as a hamster and spend all of his time with Mephisto, up until the final battle between the Twins and Satan. In the end though, it is most likely he is staying with Mephisto, wherever he is now.

Character personality- Amaimon is like most demons, he is curious about Assiah. Just like his fellow stronger demons he cannot have a physical form on Earth so he must possess a vessel to enter the world and stay within it for any period of time. He is fascinated with the same things Mephisto is, showing they have a fairly close relationship as brothers, as far as demon's can anyway. He respects his brother and will gladly do things for him but on his own time table. He is easily bored though and few things get his attention. But when something does, he becomes fixated on them. He needs things to focus on due to his long life span. He has been feared, worshiped, and respected for quite a while and because of that has experienced a lot. But this also makes it so he does not take disrespect well. He will outright attack any who disrespect him to instill fear and awe into them and others. He finds enjoyment in new and challenging things and will seek them out if left to his own devices. He also has a near bottomless stomach and continuously eats though he seems to gain no weight.

Amaimon is smarter than one would think, being able to understand how Rin's sword words just by playing with it for a small while. He isn't so much book smart as he is experience smart. He knows a great deal about demons and Gehanna, but Assiah is still a mystery to him, one he loves to experience like most demons. To live and die is an experience demon's do not have and so they are constantly interested in it and Amaimon is no exception. To most Amaimon comes off as blank or bland, using a more monotone voice and not saying much. He does this to both show how bored he is and to lure others into thinking he is a flat person. He can show emotion and does care about things but showing them is extremely rare.

Digimon personality- Behemoth was originally Amaimon's familiar and was a powerful hobgoblin. He is completely loyal to Amaimon and does whatever he says. Being his familiar means they both have similar traits as they do express. Both enjoy eating quite a lot and enjoys to chew on random objects. On their down time Behemoth enjoys sleeping, eating, and chewing on anything he can get his mouth on. Which explains why Amaimon has him bound and gagged most of the time, to prevent him from eating anything unnecessary. In battle Behemoth is a cunning and devious creature. He knows how to dodge and was even able to handle himself against an Exorcist as powerful as Shura. He prefers to jump and evade in battle, favoring quick strikes and powerful bites. This shows he isn't so much a direct attacker like Amaimon is but rather a secondary quick strike fighter. The two together are a brilliant team in a fight. They also do care a lot for each other. They have a tight bond as familiar and master, both nearly always together unless Amaimon wishes to take someone on by himself. Behemoth thinks the world of Amaimon and will do anything he orders.

Once he is a digimon, he will not change much. He will be able to slowly gain the ability to speak but he won't have much to say. He is still loyal to Amaimon and will do as commanded. He may be even more so now that he and Amaimon will both remember his death. Being separated is something neither of them wants and Behemoth will do anything in his power to stay next to his master. He will be protective of Amaimon as his tamer will be of him. Their bond has only grown stronger in death. Behemoth will seek out new things thanks to his new form, such as new foods, sensations, and other such things thanks to his demon curiosity. He will have a compulsion to poke, smell, and taste almost anything, including other tamers. With a second chance at it all, he will want to experience as much as he can while staying loyal and protecting his master.

Character abilities- Amaimon is a powerful demon, being both a Son of Satan and The Demon King of Earth. Because of this he is one of the strongest demons physically. He has super human strength and despite the small frame of his vessel he can access much of it. He can knock someone several feet away with the flick of his middle finger as well as knock someone over easily with a flick of his index finger. Normal humans and weaker beings are more susceptible to Amaimon's strength than more powerful humans or more powerful species. He was able to break Konekomaru's arm with a single poke, showing those without protection against such things can be heard easily. He can easily lift heavy objects and throw them, though he prefers to fight with just his claws and fists. He could easily punch a hole through your average wall. He can also use his strength to jump to great heights and uses this to his advantage during battle.

Since he is the demon king of Earth he also has the ability to manipulate the Earth itself. Not in any bender sense though. He can create strong tremors and earthquakes by punching the ground. In Dive his power will be weakened to being able to shake the immediate ground around him with a punch and can cause things to fall should they not be secured. He can also manipulate the Earth to form a stone titan around himself in his image. Though back home it can be a massive structure, in Dive he can only create one about three to four times his normal size. He will be almost completely encased in it though his head must be out so he can see and direct his titan.

Amaimon also has the ability to partial change himself into a more demonish looking form. His body gains muscle and two horns appear on his head. His arms grow in size and become green, hinting that this is possibly close to what his true demon form looks like. In this form he is more threatening and even gains an alligator like tail. In this form his powers are more easily accessible to him but for Dive, in this form he simply becomes somewhat faster and hits a bit harder. This form is accessible only when enraged, however.

Sample RP-
Amaimon opened his eyes and stared out at the bustling city of creatures. He wasn't in Gehenna anymore and this was not Assiah either. He had no idea where he was besides the random creatures calling this world the Digital World. What did that even mean? And why was he here? And how had Behemoth come back? His familiar stood beside him on the roof top, in a strange new form. He held a club in his mouth, teeth nomming on the wood. This was a big mystery to him. If Nii-san were here he could explain it to him but for now he was alone. And he would have to find the answers himself. He stood up and tilted his head with a small smile. He took a lollipop out of his jacket and unwrapped it. He stuck it in his mouth and shifted it around a bit. He needed something sweet if he was going to explore this place.

"Behemoth, let's go. I want to find something fun to do." His familiar nodded with a growl and spat the club back into his hand. He jumped up onto his master's back and the demon king jumped off the roof with a happy chuckle. It was time find some fun! He landed down on the sidewalk, the ground cracking beneath him. Digimon gasped and scattered with the arrival of the demon. Oh this was going to be fun.

Sample journal entry-

[The video starts to show an extreme close up on a pair of green eyes. He stares at the screen for a moment before pulling the D-Comm away from his face and showing off the rest of the features. He blinks a few times and tilts his head at the camera. This is all new to him. What kind of cellphone had video chat?]

I don't know where I am and I'm hungry. Where in Gehenna is this? And where can I find some sweets? And why does my familiar look like this?

[The camera pans to a Goblimon sitting on the floor of a room and chewing on his club. He seems to like the taste of wood? Soon enough the camera turns back to the green haired boy though.]

Nii-san? Can you see this? Where are you?

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