Mar 17, 2006 02:35
What street is this?
Driving home drunk, for the umpteenth time this month, and how do i pay attention to the road?
'roll down the window'
The chilly air helps, but dammit! Stop glancing at the couple goin at it in the back seat! Just take them to his apartment, then get your own ass to bed.
Holy crap did I remember to turn on the headlights? oh yeah they're on. Wow some curlyfries would be soOo good right now... but who ever this is in my lap would probably get in the way of a snack, and might even puke from the smell of food, so...
Oh crap! She's passed out in my lap and I'm drunk driving everyone home! What the hell was I thinking!?
Oh damn we're here... whew. only had to drive half a block.
"k roll out!"
"cmon everybody outta my taxi!"
whew, everyone's gone. I can finnaly drive my sorry ass home.
Maybe i'll just wait here til morning, get some coffee, and head to work.
'passssss out'